Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Why is it that Christians use words like weakness, humble, meek, afraid and surrender?  Think about that and let it sink in a minute. Non-Christians see that and think we're just that. It's easy to see how the world can twist things around and make it look like Christianity is crazy. So when you say or hear those words, what do you think? There is so much power in giving up control of our lives to the God who created all things. It means we're not trying to do this. We recognize and acknowledge the presence of God in all we do.  Through Him we have no weakness. Through Him we are stronger than any force on earth. The way the world sees us is not the way or what we need to be worried about. Our focus is to be on God. We are not to be worrying about what this world thinks of us. The more we get wrapped in this worldly way of thinking the farther we get form God. So choose to be all the things the world sees as weak and worthless, our Father in heaven has our back. I believe that's enough said. In love always. <><. 

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