Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Ash Wednesday. The preparing weeks before Easter. It's a time of looking forward as well as looking back in repentance as well. Many people will spend the next 40 days giving something up that they do or enjoy as a sign or reverence toward God of their thankfulness and gratitude of what Jesus Did for us on the cross. Not to take away from this time at all, because Easter is after all, my favorite celebration, but shouldn't we be doing this all the time? Shouldn't our lives be lived daily in this frame of mind? Of course, but we're human and we're faulty. I'm glad for times of remembrance. I need them because I'm male. I hope that everyone will begin today in framing their mind and their hearts and their worship towards that wonderful day of Easter. Wether you observe lent or not doesn't matter, but it's a tool to use. Giving up of things for our observance of The Lord is a great concept, you think? Giving of ourselves to others and pointing to the cross daily is a great idea too. Let's celebrate this time and remember what it cost for our salvation. You're weren't cheap and we can't live like it was. Praise God on high for His son Jesus. Live with the power of knowing that the tomb is empty. In love always. <><

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