Thursday, June 5, 2014

Good morning and happy Thursday. TBT; throw back Thursday. Remembering a day or event "back in the day". It's good and fun, and sometimes funny, to look back at those times in our lives. It's those times, and a lot of others, that have shaped us into who we are today. God is the sculptor, we are the clay. A dumb lump of clay with no idea of what's ahead. God's already there though. So as we make decisions in our lives apart from Him we get some rough edges. When we look back and see where we were with Him and without Him, by our choice, it's easy to see the difference. I'm not saying it was all bad or all great but there is a difference. God is just as alive and active in our lives today as He has been in any time in history. Nothing has changed except us. Our choices to not follow Him. I've wasted a lot of life not doing so. I've seen and done things I wished now I hadn't. And if I was following His will and not my own I wouldn't have. Oh, but it's made me who I am today. Well yes, but we also don't know when Jesus is coming back to take us Home. So with that, we need to be sure we're found in His will and not our own when it's time. It could be before you finish reading this. Do all you can to follow along His path for you. That way when it's TBT later, it's a really bright and hopeful look back. In love always. <><

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