Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Part1

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Part 1 of 3. So you've entered the city and you've been welcomed like a star, yet you know exactly why you came here. Today and the next two I want you to think about your life ending Friday. You know you will die and it will be horrible. Beaten so badly that people can't look at you. Blood pouring out of you to point you may die of the lack of it first. You talk with people and only give a few hints has to your death to your family and friends. But you've done nothing wrong and no one understands why you're saying these things. But they will know and they will see you are who you said you were. I can't imagine the loneliness Jesus must have been starting to feel. He knew His friend would deny even knowing Him just to save himself. To feel like everything He came to do is lost on deaf ears. In Luke 23:31Jesus says, "For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?". He's talking to us. What are we gonna do? He was with them and they killed Him. Aren't we still killing Him today? You die this Friday. Everything you've done means nothing to no one. You're alone and beaten and being led to the place where it ends. Think about Him for next few days. Really try and put your mind around it. Don't let His life on earth be nothing to us now. In love always. <><

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