Monday, January 30, 2012


Good morning and happy Monday. Remember the joy bus songs or for most, the Sunday school songs you learned. They were to help us know Bible stories. I was reminded of the one that says "two was Paul and Silas one was a little bitty baby, wrapped in swaddling clothing....... " it's called "Children go Where I Send Thee". I shall send thee two by two. I want you to go with help, with encouragement and strength in each other. But I want you to go where I need you.  People say they don't need a building called church to worship and follow Jesus. True. But that's also where community is built and strength is found and encouragement is. Jesus found His disciples in small communities for a reason I think. It's so they understand what it means to need the help of others. And able to ask for it as well. How many of of us try and fix our own problems and never ask anyone to help us? We don't want people hearing our junk. But if we pay attention, we will see God has someone just like us with very similar issues standing there waiting to help. They may not know until you ask them though. But two things are required; realizing the need for help and asking for it, and then someone who went where God sent them to be of service. Both persons are blessed in the moment. God's not dumb. He makes no mistakes. We need one another just like He says. People in churches need to stop hurting those who come in need. Outside the building we are still His church. Love each other and help each other and get stronger together. In love always. <><

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