Friday, March 23, 2012

Move Me Holy Spirit

Good morning and happy Friday. Why do we leave a comfortable place? What moves us to do something different than what's good right now? Well, we say we hear the Holy Spirit move us. Really? The Spirit moved you to do something stupid? I know I need to grow so I've gotta move to grow right? We amaze me. We can rationalize everything we do. If you have teenagers then you know best of all. But the Spirit and our own desires sound the same because they come through the same voice, but not the same source. So we hear what we want and call it the Spirit. How fast do we move on that? But when we really hear the Spirit move us we ponder and think it out and "pray" about it. The Holy Spirit will move you to uncomfortable places, but as long as God is leading, then it will always be good.  This is a struggle for everyone I know, including me, especially me. Be led by the Holy Spirit today and act as quickly as possible. It's really a blessing for us when we do. In love always. <><

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