Monday, April 30, 2012

Can God Change His Mind

Good morning and happy Monday. So who needs God ? He's got it all handled and planned out and our lives are really just a series of events He's planned already. No need to pray or go to Him for forgiveness, He already knows everything you're gonna do right?  And if you do pray He already knows what you're gonna say and the answer to it has been planned for centuries, right?  Can we limit the power of God any more than that? God changes His mind, He's God. He moves through time and space at will and can change anything up that He has planned for us based on our right and wrong decision. How intimate is that considering there are 7 billion bone heads on this planet. Now that's awesome, that's powerful. I'm not saying God doesn't know everything, but I think when we decide something on our own outside of His plan, He goes to work lining things back up to direct us back to Him. To think He has planned a life to go straight to hell, cause some will go there, is absurd. God is so awesome and so involved in the details of our lives that He is there with you all the time. He's not absent and vacant because it's been "planned" out for you. He wants your input too. He wants this to be together. He wants a life lived by making the choices He's groomed you to make from the relationship you've formed over the years. He's alive and very much still at work in your life today. Thank you God for the chance to change course and come Home. In love always. <><

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