Saturday, March 26, 2011

Iron Sharpens Iron (2-2-11)

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Do you know someone that just seems to never be really happy? They just pretend on the outside. They have sayings and quotes posted in their office, but they really don't follow them much themselves. They smile and say nice things but if you catch em with no one else around they're talking about other people. I feel sorry for them. They know there's more to this life but haven't gotten it figured out. It's themselves that have to change. They feel on the inside a longing for what's there but just can't seem to find it. It's God. With an outstretched hand waiting for them to get it. Maybe you feel that way I don't know, just turn around, really listen to what is on your heart. That's God poking at you. And what about those of us who know these people? What are you gonna do to help them? Prov. 27:17 " as iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another". Go and sharpen some folks today. In love always.

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