Saturday, March 26, 2011

You Gotta Ask (1-1-11)

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So if your house is on fire and no one does anything, what happens? If you're in a car wreck laying in the street and nobody makes a call, what happens? Your house is burnt to the ground and you die. Where was God when the planes were hijacked as they crashed into the towers? He was there with each one who asked Him to be. He was there waiting for those who needed Him to be. We have an obligation to ask for the help we need. To ask God to come into our hearts and dwell. The fire dept won't show if no one asks them to and the ambulance won't either. You see when you ask Him, it becomes personal. It's the start of a relationship. But it also has to be maintained. Like an old friend, you're still friends, you're just not close anymore. He's there waiting for the first time or the hundredth time. He love you and will always. In love always. 

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