Friday, December 16, 2011

Know Your Role

Good morning and happy Friday. A thought that occurred to me the other day as I was getting ready to do a study on Joseph, the Earthly father of Jesus. Most of my life hearing the Christmas story it's seems to have been about Mary and Jesus. What if it was Joseph God was choosing? What if it was Joseph He wanted to raise His son? I believe it was both but why do we forget that God uses and chooses everyone. We have all been called to a part of the great plan of God. We don't hear much from Joseph or about him at all, but from the bits and pieces we know he was a good man and did a good job of raising up the Son of Man. He knew His part in this plan and followed God's instruction to the T. This story so fits with us today as we are called to do His work here.  God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. That means what He was doing then is what He is doing now. Miracles still happen, the unexplainable still is seen. Why do we doubt He is using us for a greater good today and tomorrow. Our part doesn't have to be the headliner, but play the part we have to the best of our ability. In love always. <><

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