Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leaving Eden

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Have you wondered what Adam and Eve thought and felt like after being kicked out of the Garden? To know what it is supposed to be like? To be in the presence of God and to talk with Him? I don't know if they were able to remember what that was like, but I bet they felt like something was missing. Gee, that sounds familiar. They could not have known the full magnitude of what they had done and brought into the world because their world was just them, but when Cain came along, I wonder how they felt about their actions now effecting their child. They did know one thing for sure, they knew they were children of God. And to know and understand what that means is paramount to a deep relationship with Him and His Son who died for us to get a way back to Eden. It will all come full circle one day. Are you ready to go home? To go back to where we belong? To walk with our Father once again as He meant for us to? Then we have to get to that place where we won't be kicked out. in love always. <><

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