Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Story of a Tree

Good morning and happy Wednesday. I love trees and to see the shape they have taken on over the years of their growth. You can tell the ones that were pruned and cared for and those that have been neglected. There is a story in that neglect. To see a tree that made to full grown while not really being cared for is pretty amazing. But there had to be a little bit of care or it wouldn't have made it.  All of us have a story to tell that is unique to ourselves. But that story is just what you've brought with you through a storm in life. The molding and shaping of us as we grew through the mess. Just like a tree if we have a good root we can make it. We may not be like the others but that's when people ask how and why. That's when testimony happens. Peoples lives are changed in those moments. Both of em really. It comes from a willingness to share and help others. I've got stories others don't. Proud of them or not they may be what someone else needs to know so they can see there is hope. "If someone like him can make it then I know I can". That used to bother me as I was going through changes but not anymore. I see how God has taken my bad choices and made them a good thing for someone else. A friend of mine says "Our mess is our message". Truer words could not be spoken. But we have to be among those needing to hear the message. Sunday school and life group people are already on the path back home. Be ready to share with those you don't know. It may be all they need. In love always. <>< 

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