Friday, March 2, 2012

A Year's Worth

Good morning and happy Friday. Today is a special day for me. There are, on average, 257 weekdays in a year. Today is the first of a new year. Since I started blogging this post I have posted a years worth. Today is a new day of a new year. It is also my wife's Birthday. She has been the calm in my storm since the day we met. It's amazing to me how when you meet someone you just get those feelings. I can't wait to meet Jesus face to face. To quote an 80's song, "What a feeling". "I can only imagine". It's like the expecting of a good friend you haven't seen in a long time and your at the airport waiting, only a thousand times better. One day the world will see Him in all His glory. We will meet and have conversation and all that stuff. I hope and pray that we all find our way home and continue in helping others, who have gotten off the path, back on track and headed home again. I love the fact that it's our job to be a servant to the one who came and served us all before we ever knew Him. Thank you for reading what God lays on a sinners heart. Thank you for a year of joy and tears as we relate to each other in our daily lives. We've all set Jesus as head of our lives and holding each other accountable for it too. I love you all so much and I thank God for you being in my life. You mean the world to mean. Tana, thank you for your love and support. In love always. <><

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