Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good morning and happy Thursday. I'm sitting in the lobby getting ready to head home. As I have walked and seen this big ole city, I have seen so many faces and wondered about so many lives. I came here alone and did things by myself. It was a great trip and all but it would have been really great to have had my wife with me to share the sights and the memory. God made us to be together. To be communal and relational. We can't close ourselves off into isolation. We need Him and we need each other. We are all family. And on the train rides around town I met some up close. Life is so much better when we have and enjoy one another. But it's really out of this world when we have God. Even alone here I still had Him with me to talk to. Those family members on the train must think I'm crazy for talking to what they saw has no one, but He was there with me and talking to me and hearing me as I navigated a city I know nothing about. So really you're never alone, it's just about realizing He's there and wants to be with you. I hope that all those faces that looked so blank have someone and know He is with them. In love always. <>< 

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