Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Fall is here and the corn fields are tall. With my job I pass by a lot of these fields. I see them start off as just a bunch of rows of dirt and then the seedlings sprout. From there it doesn't take much time until it's a pretty tall plant. So with this expertise in watching corn fields grow I've noticed something, the weeds that grow in them. When they're young plants and not too tall there are a lot of weeds that sprout up. The farmer sprays em and they're gone for a while and then a few come back. But as the plant becomes more mature, the weeds are fewer. Sounds like a great parable, but what I noticed is this; the weeds are still there just harder to see. The plant is hiding the weed. As we begin to follow Christ and make that decision to do so, we usually have a lot "weeds" with us. His blood wipes them out but being the imperfect beings we are more weeds show up. But as we become more mature in our relationship with God things in us become more apparent. We are either standing out alone in full view so our weeds can be seen or we huddle together so we can hide them among the cover and safety of others. So close no one can see our weeds. We need the comfort and support of others and the community that it brings. But we need desperately to be alone with God and have our weeds sprayed. It's become too easy to just stay comfortable in the fold. Whatever weeds are growing around you today, I pray you will step out into the light of Jesus and let them be taken away. None of us are without them. That's why we need Him, the Great Farmer and Redeemer of our lives. Don't hide the weeds of your life among the tall plants so they are not seen; expose them and let them be removed. In love always. <><
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Good morning and happy Monday. I wanna be God's dog. Stay with me now. A friend of mine had a sick dog. Mine was sick at the house while I was gone at the same time. Between my friends and my wife's conversations about our dogs being sick and the worry we had for them, God shows up and brings this to light. Now I wanna be His dog, not because of the care I know He'll give me, that's a given. Think about your dog, if you have one. They love you so much and they can't wait to see you. They miss you when you're gone. I know this because of the videos my wife sends me of mine pouting while I'm gone. Even the ones abused by people can still have a love for us that goes beyond understanding. Now that sounds like the love God has for us, and it is. But what if we were the dog and had that kind of love for Him; can't wait to see Him, don't want to be away from Him? What would that be like? So the picture is this, the Master at home in His chair and the ever faithful and loyal dog at His feet as both are happy to be with each other. I wanna be God's dog. I want to love Him and desire to be with Him the very same way my dogs are with me. I already know how much He loves me. And if He takes care of the animals of this world as good as He does, how much more will He care for me? I owe Him my love and my loyalty. In love always. <><
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Have you ever read the story that went around about the grandpas hands? How when you see them you can tell how hard they've worked. A scar that has a story to tell about a fence being built and so on. I look at hands a lot just because of that story. Got me to look at my own and remember and day with hand saw. A window in the back door when I was little. Our hands can tell a lot about us that we may have forgotten. Then I think about the most amazing hands ever, Jesus'. They touched the faces of little children. Healed the sick from many ailments. Brought to life the dead. Amazing hands with amazing stories all over them. But the most amazing thing about them is they were stretched out on a cross and had nails driven though them to save us all. They took what we should've, because He loves us so much He doesn't want us to have to go through that to get to Him. There are no set of hands anywhere that have done so much for so many. And as I see a scar on mine from a tooth of another man I hit, I think about His having only love pour from them. I am so undeserving of this love, and yet He offers it freely to us all. All the power in the universe is in those hands, and they are stretched out for us to take hold of and walk with Him forever. Thank you God for loving us so much that would let your son's hands tell an amazing story of your love for us. In love always. <><
Monday, June 9, 2014
Good morning and happy Monday. So who's been praising the rain we've had here recently? Duh, everyone. And just about everyone is thanking God for it. What about that air you took in to your lungs this morning? I know that I'm terrible about letting God know how much I appreciate all He does for me. I don't have a problem telling anyone else thank you. Someone helps out with something we're just quick to say thank you. I'm so sorry Lord for all the times I've just taken you for granted. We need to be more aware of the things He really does for us. Just like every drop of rain. Not just some of it, all of it. Not one drop fell without His permission to do so. If that's the control He has of all things, not some, all things, then there's nothing we should not be in gratitude to Him for. Stop after you read this and go to Him and thank Him for everything in your life. The good, the bad, and ugly. Because despite our best efforts to ruin our life, He's making good come from it as long as we are wiling to follow His will. Thank you Lord for caring about each one of us, not just some, but all of us. In love always. <><
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Good morning and happy Thursday. TBT; throw back Thursday. Remembering a day or event "back in the day". It's good and fun, and sometimes funny, to look back at those times in our lives. It's those times, and a lot of others, that have shaped us into who we are today. God is the sculptor, we are the clay. A dumb lump of clay with no idea of what's ahead. God's already there though. So as we make decisions in our lives apart from Him we get some rough edges. When we look back and see where we were with Him and without Him, by our choice, it's easy to see the difference. I'm not saying it was all bad or all great but there is a difference. God is just as alive and active in our lives today as He has been in any time in history. Nothing has changed except us. Our choices to not follow Him. I've wasted a lot of life not doing so. I've seen and done things I wished now I hadn't. And if I was following His will and not my own I wouldn't have. Oh, but it's made me who I am today. Well yes, but we also don't know when Jesus is coming back to take us Home. So with that, we need to be sure we're found in His will and not our own when it's time. It could be before you finish reading this. Do all you can to follow along His path for you. That way when it's TBT later, it's a really bright and hopeful look back. In love always. <><
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. So what kind of dog are you? What generation are you? What kind of element are you? What state are you from? Any one on Facebook has seen these and probably most of us have taken the quiz to see. I know it's in fun, but is there another reason too? A deeper one? One of wanting to know who, what, when, and where about ourselves. If you're one of those ahead of the game and know exactly all there is to know about yourself and have been honest in finding out, well this may seem silly to you. But it's a real issue for a lot of people. You feel something deep inside and know it's there but haven't got clue what it is. It feels good but scary because it's not a normal feeling. Some have tried all sorts of things to cover it and to fill the spot with something they know and can see or physically feel. Drugs, sex, work, play even, all kinds of things have been put there to make it go away. It becomes nagging the more you try to cover it. It explains to me some,why so many can fall so far away from life. So here's the next set of quizzes. Who's child are you? Who do you belong to? Who do you serve? Answer these correctly and you'll know what that feeling inside is and most important, who it is. The answer you already know but just need to be sure. He will not let you go and you'll never be alone. My favorite verse is Joshua 1:9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
The answer to all the questions is God. In love always. <><
The answer to all the questions is God. In love always. <><
Monday, June 2, 2014
Good morning and happy Monday. The hiatus is over and I hope to be back to regular broadcasts. So I was playing some solitaire on my phone the other day and I was really needing just one card to turn over so I could play out the hand. If only that one card would turn up. The game was looking pretty bad. I wasn't gonna make it. Then when I least expected it, bam, the card I needed. I played down as far as I could but still lost out because being the true solitaire player I am, I only go through the deck once. This sounds a lot like life. I turned forty seven on this time away. Life for me really is more than half over. What card am I looking for to win this game? What determines winning or losing at life? We all know the answer to that is not found in this world but in the eternal realm with God the father. Have you turned over that card yet? Are you waiting to play it? Do you know someone looking for it? It's time to move on towards the finish. The game has already been won. We just have to finish. You only get to go through this deck of cards once. Make sure you're doing it for Him. In love always. <><
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Good minding and happy Thursday. I heard a story yesterday about a heart Dr that got me to thinking. The patient has a case no one will take, too high risk. A doctor in Milwaukee takes it and saves his life really. Now to the doctor, this may have been just something he's done before and didn't think much of it and was glad to be of service. To the patient, and to his family, it meant the world. They still know his name and everything. They said he may dead by now, which hit me. That doctor may or may not know how much of an impact he's had on this world with the people who's lives he's saved. I don't find it ironic at all that God had me hear this story about the rescuing and saving of a heart. Through the things we may think small, or not even think about again, we can repair the spiritual heart of people God puts in front of us. He does it all the time, it's a matter of wether or not we see them. Stop looking for the Big Bang in life that may only be fleeting, but for those small life changing moments of your time to show love to the world in a way Jesus did. Small, simple and we're still trying to do it His way today. Nothing flashy or complex at all. Simple pure love from the heart. In love always. <><
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Love has been the most common thing I've written here for all these years. It's the very core of the being of God. It is what He is, love. Think about how good you feel when you know someone loves you. There is no better feeling known to man than being loved. There is also no worse feeling than loving someone and it not being returned. How much do you think God loves you? Even the birds don't have to worry about being taken care of, so how much more does He love us? I love God, but am I returning it too Him. Not just by saying it. That's easy to do. Am I showing Him love by loving others the way He does? Do I hurt Him when I don't return it back to Him? I need my actions speaking for me much more than they do. If you find yourself in this same boat with me, let's get out onto the crashing waves and don't look down. Keep our eyes focused on God and we can walk all the way to Him. We say it to each other all the time, I love you. Today, and everyday hereafter, say it and mean it from deep inside with the love God has. Do our best to make that happen. With that, let me say from the very bottom of my heart, I love you. In love always. <><
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Ash Wednesday. The preparing weeks before Easter. It's a time of looking forward as well as looking back in repentance as well. Many people will spend the next 40 days giving something up that they do or enjoy as a sign or reverence toward God of their thankfulness and gratitude of what Jesus Did for us on the cross. Not to take away from this time at all, because Easter is after all, my favorite celebration, but shouldn't we be doing this all the time? Shouldn't our lives be lived daily in this frame of mind? Of course, but we're human and we're faulty. I'm glad for times of remembrance. I need them because I'm male. I hope that everyone will begin today in framing their mind and their hearts and their worship towards that wonderful day of Easter. Wether you observe lent or not doesn't matter, but it's a tool to use. Giving up of things for our observance of The Lord is a great concept, you think? Giving of ourselves to others and pointing to the cross daily is a great idea too. Let's celebrate this time and remember what it cost for our salvation. You're weren't cheap and we can't live like it was. Praise God on high for His son Jesus. Live with the power of knowing that the tomb is empty. In love always. <><
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. I've really been missing my kids lately. I think I'm having a bit of empty nest settng in. I know they have a lot going on and are busy, but man I would like to see them more. Seeing them and this situation from a fathers eyes only makes me reflect on THE Fathers eyes. To think of how He sees me and how much He wishes I would see Him more. My kids are doing what they should and are doing well for the most part. They've heard what I've said just not put it into practice so much yet. That sounds a lot like how we grown up kids do our Father. He's called us to do so many things and some get done and others we let pass right on by thinking we know best or just aren't listening. I hope my kids read this and see they need to go see their dad more, just like we all need to. Talk to your Father today. Spend time with Him. Both of them, if you have them, your earthly one and especially your heavenly one. In love always. <><
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Good morning and happy Thursday. It's been a rough week and half that just passed by. My dad had some mini strokes and a surgery. My mom had her back surgery, and my mom in law had emergency surgery. The good news is that they are all doing great today. I asked for some prayers from friends and family and became overwhelmed with response. It's amazing how we turn out for each other when the need arises. I just love it. God brings us together in these times so we can see love in action and not just being mouthed. It gives us a chance to receive blessings from others and to be loved on instead of giving. We focus a lot on the giving of ourselves to others which is always great, but we have to leave room for the receiving part. If we don't, we're not letting others be a blessing. If we can't receive, then what about what Jesus did for us on the cross? That's a gift we must receive. It's given to us freely but means nothing if it's not received as the blessing it is. So when we give of ourselves to others we're merely doing what Jesus did for us, on much smaller scale I might add, but the same just as well. Being on the receiving end helps us learn to be humble and to a degree, allow ourselves to be beneath the giver. It's an awesome thing and feels so good once we learn to accept the things people want to do for us. This has been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn. And in His infinite wisdom, God taught me as I fought Him the whole way. So learn to be open to the gifts others offer. Receive them with in the love by which they were given. Jesus gave us His life so that we can have life with Him. What a gift. So with that let me say again. Thank you all so much for blessing me and my family with your gift of prayers and concern. You are all truly a blessing. In love always. <><
Friday, February 21, 2014
Good morning and happy Friday. I'm trying to read through the Bible. I'm doing a reading plan and it gives you the parts to read. I'm reading the beginning and then a few New Testament books to get through in 6 months. I'm having a very hard time in getting through Leviticus and Numbers. Man God gave them a lot to do for their sins. I don't know how they kept up with it all. Then I begin to see them complain not long after seeing a miracle right before their eyes. We're so much like them. It looks to me that the game and the ref are the same it's just the players that have changed. God is so good to us to bring Jesus to us and let Him make all the sacrifices for us. We don't have to remember all those offering rules for different sins and cleanliness. But are we remembering the one thing we have to, Jesus ? How many times do you think you might be sinning in a day? How many times are you calling on the name of Jesus in that same day? Just as those Israelites forgot what they saw in the wilderness and complained about life, we forget what Jesus has done for us. Not they we don't remember, it's just not in the front of our thoughts much. Moses and Arron were not allowed to enter the promised land because of their rebellion and not giving God the glory for things He had done for His people. If we don't keep Jesus first in our thoughts and give Him the glory He deserves we may not make it to that promised land either. Give God the glory and honor in all you do. In love always. <><
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Good morning and happy Thursday. The word of the day today is complacency. We live in an ever changing, can't be still, need to do something different to make things exciting world. Now I'm seeing some friends are doing the 30 day Christian music challenge. I love this idea. I listen to it all the time on regular radio and satellite. Here's the deal with us though. We can't be still long enough. I hope those doing it make it. It will change your music listening habits. I am a music nut. So now back to our word of the day. As I listen to Christian music all the time I find myself just listening. I don't even realize I'm not hearing the message in it anymore. So once in a while I switch the channel to some of the music I grew up with. Hair Nation is the place I land. I hear a few good love song ballads and then some really secular lyrics start up and then I switch it back. Now I can hear the songs again and it's because I got complacent in my everyday walk. It's so easy to do. It goes to remind me that it has to be an every day, every hour, every second walk. I'm too easily distracted by the out side world. Squirrel!!! Those from my Sunday school class know that one. Stay mindful to the things that are not seen. Keep your heart guarded from the world. God is good all the time. Take comfort in that but don't become complacent in it. Keep your faith and your worship and your love for God fresh every day. Don't just listen to Him, hear Him. He's talking to you right now. In love always. <><
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Good morning and happy Tuesday. What does your worship look like? True honest worship of our God in heaven. Gonna go to a strange place today with this one; Richard Sherman and Peyton Manning. Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks is catching a lot of heat for his antics on the field after the win Sunday. Manning is again being heralded has the greatest QB of the game. Did you know Peyton was a Christian man. Strong in his faith since he was 13? Yeah me either; at least a strong professing one. I did see him singing the national anthem though, very few do that anymore. I'm not saying a thing about Peyton here. We each have our own ways of expressing ourselves and our faith. Sherman is someone I get the feeling you know right where you stand with him. In a culture that is trying so hard to let people express themselves, we go up in arms when they do. Not saying right or wrong about his tactics that day, but I don't know how I would've felt after just saving the game and helping to get my team to the Super Bowl. So what do see when you see these guys? Who they are or who they want you to see? Which would you rather see? Who they are or who you want them to be? I choose the honest one. The one they are. We had a great study on Psalm 103 Sunday. It's about our worship and our honesty of who we are before God. Him you cannot hide who and what you are. Sometimes it would be good to express our faith just the way Sherman expressed his emotions, and then other times it's good to be a little less vocal, but still seen for what you are. Let God see your worship. Let Him know of your thanksgiving. Let the world see you being a Christian walking the best he can to be like his savior Jesus. Peyton let's his actions speak for him. Sherman speaks out loud for his self. No difference except our loud speaking is for God and His glory, with thanksgiving in our hearts and not asking for anything. Just worshipping God. This is by the way the only Psalm that does not ask for or cry out for anything of The Lord to do for us. It is simply worship of God. What do people see when they see you? I hope it's Jesus. In love always. <><
Friday, January 3, 2014
Good morning and happy Friday, and Happy New Year as well. So at work there is a dog, stray, that hangs out there. She's known as depot dog and has the streets smarts of a TV show star. Three dog catchers couldn't bring her in. She's a cute dog and I would love to bring her home. She won't have a thing to do with that. She will just barely let you feed her. She follows me to my truck to get something to eat but that's as far as it goes. I just wish I could get her to understand how good she would have it. Clean bed, a day at the spa,lol. All the food she could want and a nice warm bed to sleep in at night. But mostly to be loved on and shown that she's cared for. She doesn't know the difference though. She doesn't think she has it bad. To her, life is good. To her, this is how life is and she's doing good at it. She doesn't know the blessing she good have with just one choice. It would have to be the right choice, but one to be made none the less. How many depot dogs do you know? The human kind. The ones who think this is just how life is and they're doing just fine at it. The ones who don't see the blessing in knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The ones that are just one choice away from the best "life" has to offer. How committed to your choice you made are you? Have you gotten comfortable now in your new "home" that the blessing of it has worn off and it's just not the same as it was? Make this the year to renew your commitment to Him and to give of yourself to others to show what life is and how it is to be lived, for Him. We're blessed so we can be a blessing. In love always. <><
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