Friday, January 6, 2012

The Latest Craze

Good morning and happy Friday. Remember your latest "thing" ? That thing you told everyone about. It was the best that ever happened to you. You don't know how you lived without it. It's the best. Is it still?  Was it just a phase until the next best thing came along?  We're easily entertained aren't we?  It's a weakness Satan plays on too. All the things we get a kick out of and tell all our friends about, are just for the moment and time. Who still has their parachute pants? But one thing has remained throughout all time. God. And we do it  with Him as well. We get on fire and tell the world around us about it and it's the greatest thing ever. But then the world becomes a fire extinguisher and puts us out. But it's because we're weak and let it happen. Weakness is over come by conditioning and practice. It's a constant daily desire of wanting and realizing our need for Him. He is the greatest thing ever. God is the best thing that can happen to us. That's the craze of a lifetime. One that will never fade away. It's up to us to choose Him. He's already chosen us and we can't make Him love us anymore or less than He already does. In love always <><

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