Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Does He Really Need To Find You?

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Did God have to go find Adam and Eve in the garden? Did He really not know where they were? They really thought they could hide from Him though. This has been on my heart for a while now and this morning it's just what is coming forth. We've all grown up with the stories of the Bible and we all hear the familiar sermons that tell us God will go and find us. i. e. the lost sheep and coin parable in Luke 15. I don't think God has to go look for us when we're lost. He knows where we are. For Petes sake He is with us there. We teach a comfortable, no big action required on our part theology today. Thats scary. We have a big part in our salvation. Jesus went to the cross and paid the bill for our sins. We, are in the store and all we need to do is follow Him out. Our part in this is to repent. To turn away from what we're doing that keeps us from Him and passionately go and pursue Him. He's not going to leave 99 to go "find" 1. He knows where that one is. It's that ones job to come home. I challenge you to read Luke 15 as one conversation, like it's written, instead of three separate parables as we do. He is talking to the Pharisees and how they place more value on things and following rules than the repentance of a lost soul. If that's where Jesus makes a point then that's where we need to be. I've now heard the lost sheep sermon three different times used for God going to find us. It's up to you to go to Him. He's still there waiting for us. He's never left. I think it's dangerous for us to think He will come get us as we live a lost life. He gave us free will for a reason. You must be willing to follow Him. In the final part of Luke 15 we find a father looking down the road for his son. And when he sees he has come home he runs to him and meets him. That's the beauty of it is that we are always welcome home. We just have to go there. In love always. <><

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