Thursday, January 5, 2012

"If You Haven't Quit, You Haven't Failed"

Good morning and happy Thursday. I saw this commercial with this boy growing up and going to war and then home and starting a family and growing old. To see a life played from start to finish really brings home a few things. We have no control or idea how our lives will turn out and that when we look back over our life there are lessons and instructions for living along the way that need to be passed on. None of us listened to our parents as we grew up. They had those instructions, we just couldn't see them as knowing anything we were going through. Jesus came here to live as we live. To know all we would experience and then show us and leave us the instructions to make it. Why don't we listen to Him? He's part of the creation of all we know and yet we have trouble listening to His advise and instructions for living. I know we try and do the best we can, but are we really just saying that's all I'm gonna do or wanna do. I hate when I let Him down, and it happens a lot, but a quote I read yesterday gave me hope in myself again, "If you haven't quit, you haven't failed". I'm not quitting. I'm gonna listen better. I'm not gonna fail Him. You in?  In love always. <><

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