Friday, December 30, 2011

The Last Friday 2011

Good morning and happy Friday. The last Friday of the year. The last message of the year. The last paycheck of the year. The last of a lot things. We will reflect over the year and tv will be full of the best of the year this weekend. But I'm gonna try it different this time. What's ahead next year? What are my plans and goals for next year, better yet for tomorrow?  Jesus told a parable about a man looking back as he plowed the field. The point is, he's trying to make the ground ready for planting but by looking back his rows won't be straight if useable at all. We are not promised tomorrow, but we still have to be ready to wake up and share the good news. Plow next years field looking straight ahead with focus and a purpose for serving God. It will be the best year ever. Remember the past and what you learned from it, but let go and don't cling to something that has past and has been used for it's time. It can keep you from growing and moving forward. Go and plow the field. Happy New Year. In love always. <><

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Playing It Safe

Good morning and happy Thursday.  I learned last night that the UIL changed a few rules concerning head injuries to our kids. My youngest took a knee to the head and felt a little dizzy and wobbly, so they took her out and now she has to sit. It will be about two weeks before she can play again and she's not happy. Me either. But it is for the best and it is the safety they are concerned with. I wonder how any of us made it to today. Drinking out of a water hose, riding bikes with no helmets, getting hit in the head and going right back in the game. Have we gotten too soft and playing things too safe? Are we playing it safe with our faith and love for God too?  Gotten comfortable where we're at because we've seen others get hurt by being bold? Safe is easy. Safe feels good. Its time we got out of that comfort zone and began serving the Lord instead sitting back being served. It's time to be like David. While the others coward away to be safe to live another day, be it as a slave, David came forward as a kid and stood up for His God. Stand up and slay your giants one at a time with the help of God and live boldly for Him. We all have them. You're not alone. It's a difference of how safe you want to play it. In love always. <><

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It's Worth It All

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Is it all worth it?  Is all the sacrifice worth it? Is the work and dedication worth it?  Apply these questions to anything in your life and you can get some answers. To a job change, a basketball season, a marriage. But the big one was answered for us a long time on hill. You are worth it all. Every lash given. Every kick or punch given. All the ridicule and shame endured. Even the moment He was out of the presence of God. He became our sin and let it be sacrificed once and for all on the cross to die along with Him. And in Him as He rose from the grave, we walk a new life with Him. All because He says you're worth it. All of it. Receive His gift and treasure it deeply and live a life for Him, because He's worth it. All of it. In love always. <><

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pick up His Life

Good morning and happy Tuesday. New years resolutions are coming up, are you gonna make one?  I'm making two; one personal and one spiritual but both require the same thing of me. Stop being lazy. The first will be to get this weight off I have put on. Get back to a good healthy lifestyle. The second is to get deeper into God's word and really find where my heart is in all this. To see and then know if I'm heading at least in the general direction God is pointing me to. Both of these will require that I free up some time and give up something else also. If this is a goal I'm going to set then that is exactly what I must choose. When we decide to follow Jesus then that is what we must do also. Give up the things that have kept us from Him and start doing the things that bring us closer to Him. It's time to put the world down and start picking up the life of Jesus Christ. In love always. <><

Monday, December 26, 2011

Jesus Is The Reason Period

Good morning and happy Monday. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. And I hope that we all remember to keep Jesus in all of our things for the entire year. You see everyone around Christmas time really pushing the "Jesus is the reason", but soon after the wrapping paper, tree, and lights are put away, we seem to let go of the fact He's the reason period.  He's the reason for January 15th or any other day of the year. I'm glad we take time to celebrate His birth, but we need to be celebrating His life and the gift of life He gave to us. It took 35 years of my life for me to really get that and if I can help keep someone from wasting another day, then that's what I'll do. He came to save us all. And in all the tinsel and lights we can forget about the hurting and the poor and those less fortunate than us. I love Christmas and what it's for but I lose focus for a bit and I don't like that. I wanna be like Jesus. I wanna love the way He does. I wanna see  what He sees. I wanna feel the way He feels. I don't want to forget the bigger picture in all this mess we've made out of Christmas. In love always. <>< 

Friday, December 23, 2011

God's Great Love

Good morning and happy Friday and Christmas eve eve. So if you knew your newborn was going to be sick and have complications throughout their life, wouldn't you still love them with all you have? If your child goes astray in their life and is still in a dark place, don't you still love them with all you are? Of course we do. So if the merely mortals that we are are capable of loving so deeply the things that are hurting us and we have no way of helping them, how great then is the love of God for us? He created us and has sent a way to be with Him. He can help us but a choice by us has to be made first. His love for us is so deep I can't get my head around it. Jesus saw the world being made and the fall of man. He left Heaven and came to be ridiculed and mocked and killed to show the world the way back Home. He gave His life for ours. Why are we not giving back to Him with all that we are?  He's not asking for much. He only wants us to live a life following Him and the way He taught us. He wants our life so that we can be with Him forever. Love Him the way He loves us. To come here as a helpless baby and die just for us. There is no greater love than that. I love you Jesus. In love always. <><

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bring Back Christ in Christmas

Good morning and happy Thursday. My hope for everyone this Christmas season is that it is less about us and more about Him. Our country is loosing it's grip on Christian values and faith. God has been kicked out of every place but the home and church. Look at the state we're in since that began. We are a truly blessed nation but we are taking it for granted. We've commercialized Christmas and are slowly taking Christ out of it. It's up to us to re-instill the old values to our kids. God does not care about how we celebrate this time. He just wants that relationship with Him built up and fortified. That's what's going to matter in the end. Give from your heart not obligation, love with your heart not because you have to. Bring the Christmas Spirit home for the holidays and cherish your time with family and friends. Let's put Christ back in our Christmas and our homes. In love always <><

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When It's Coming Apart

Good morning and happy Wednesday. You know that feeling you get when you know everything is going to be ok when it doesn't look like it is? You know how as a parent your kid is going to make it through that rough spot because you went through it too and it came out all right? That's God. When things seem to be coming apart, He's right there helping to hold them together. It's easy to sing His praise when it's good, and we should be. It's easy to call out to Him when it's going bad, and we should. What's not so easy is the trust it requires to know He's there. You will find Him when it's going south. You will call out to Him at some point, either in anger or sadness or confusion, but make no doubt, you will call to Him. And the best part is, He's right there waiting. We simply lack the kind of faith we think we have. It's a daily thing to keep it going. But like an athlete who trains for a long race, your faith will grow and become stronger. He's watching over us knowing it will be ok. You will get through this, trust Him. He's our Father and only wants the best for you and of you. How much of you are you giving to Him? He's prepared to open the flood gates of Heaven for you. So when a bad patch comes in life, and they will, snuggle up in the comfort of God's love for you and march on. Don't let the enemy have a moment of your time. In love always. <>< 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Trusting The Weatherman

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So I woke up this morning expecting to see a whole bunch of snow on the ground. All the best equipment and forecasting technology available said so. I trusted it to be as they said. Now I know the weather is a poor choice of comparison but it still goes to show what we have come to expect. So when I woke up to a few inches of snow I knew I was gonna have to go to work. It amazed me how easily the town started preparing for the shut down. Getting ready for what was told was coming. We are so ready to get ready for tomorrow but are really ready for what tomorrow brings. Tomorrow may be our last day here. Some of us may not live through it. We'll go empty the grocery shelves to survive a storm that may or may not come but won't get ready for eternity with God that is coming. I may not have seen you in a while or even know who you are, but I want to see and meet you there. Don't put it off til it's too late. There's work to be done by us all and everyone is needed now. Get prepared for the end, yours or the world, either way, it's coming. In love always. <><

Monday, December 19, 2011

How Do They Look To Me?

Good morning and happy Monday. What do we see when we see people?  What did we think when we see someone who looks different from us?  What do we whisper about them? I say all this because I saw a young man the other night that had hair that covers his face and skinny and what some may call a skater or one of those terms that puts him apart from the next kid. He had a look that made me think. He had a look that's probably popular with some but might turn a head mostly. It wasn't dirty or crude, it was just different. I wondered what people said about him in school or the mall or if he was even looked at all. But one thing I do know, that kid could play a guitar like nobody's business.  When he was on a stage and plugged in, wow. It's funny how things can change when the circumstances change to what we're used to things being in. We do that though all the time with people. I catch myself all the time doing it. I'm getting better though, but it comes from my growth in my relationship with Jesus. I finally I've come to my senses in the fact that I can't make it in this world without Him. When I filter everything through Him, it's better than Amarillo water out of a Brita pitcher. Goes in bad and comes out perfect. He is our example. One we can never live like, but we must strive do the best we can. I'm sorry to those I've judged. Whatever we have to do to see through His eyes we must do. It will be through those eyes that we also feel the hurt inside others who are trying to hide it. I wanna be like you Jesus. That's our mantra. That's our goal. In love always. <><

Friday, December 16, 2011

Know Your Role

Good morning and happy Friday. A thought that occurred to me the other day as I was getting ready to do a study on Joseph, the Earthly father of Jesus. Most of my life hearing the Christmas story it's seems to have been about Mary and Jesus. What if it was Joseph God was choosing? What if it was Joseph He wanted to raise His son? I believe it was both but why do we forget that God uses and chooses everyone. We have all been called to a part of the great plan of God. We don't hear much from Joseph or about him at all, but from the bits and pieces we know he was a good man and did a good job of raising up the Son of Man. He knew His part in this plan and followed God's instruction to the T. This story so fits with us today as we are called to do His work here.  God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. That means what He was doing then is what He is doing now. Miracles still happen, the unexplainable still is seen. Why do we doubt He is using us for a greater good today and tomorrow. Our part doesn't have to be the headliner, but play the part we have to the best of our ability. In love always. <><

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The End

Good morning and happy Thursday. The world is ending in 12/12. Are you ready?  Predictions of the end have been going since Jesus said it would be like a thief in the night. None of that stuff has ever bothered me until now. Now I know I can't wait. Before I was lost and not headed for a heavenly home. Now I know the difference and not afraid of the end, whenever it may come. So many people and so much time has been and is being spent trying to predict the end. What will it matter when it comes anyway, it's the end?  What are we doing in the mean time? If we are Christians as we say, we should be about the Fathers work. If you're not a Christian, aren't you still wasting your time trying to find the end only to find it's here? If you knew when, what would you do different from now til then?  Why aren't you doing that now? What if tomorrow is the end? What if it's the guy next you on the planes turn to go so you the whole thing goes down? Just kidding. All this becomes stupid after a while doesn't it? But it will come, and you will be held accountable for your time here on this Earth. Make it good from this moment on. Live today forward with no regrets. It's never too late to make a change. In love always. <><

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leaving Eden

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Have you wondered what Adam and Eve thought and felt like after being kicked out of the Garden? To know what it is supposed to be like? To be in the presence of God and to talk with Him? I don't know if they were able to remember what that was like, but I bet they felt like something was missing. Gee, that sounds familiar. They could not have known the full magnitude of what they had done and brought into the world because their world was just them, but when Cain came along, I wonder how they felt about their actions now effecting their child. They did know one thing for sure, they knew they were children of God. And to know and understand what that means is paramount to a deep relationship with Him and His Son who died for us to get a way back to Eden. It will all come full circle one day. Are you ready to go home? To go back to where we belong? To walk with our Father once again as He meant for us to? Then we have to get to that place where we won't be kicked out. in love always. <><

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

True Happiness In Him

Good morning and happy Tuesday.  How happy are you? Is it really a happy Tuesday? Maybe not for some. But in the grand scheme of it all, the big picture, it will pass and happiness will come again. Most people are happy more than sad, but we dwell and hang onto the sadness in our lives. Once we reach that point, it takes over everything. So if we're happy most of the time, why hasn't that taken over everything? True happiness comes from a love of Jesus Christ. And if that takes over our lives, we will be living a very positive one. Sure, even Jesus was sad, but it didn't consume Him. His purpose was the work of the Father, not dwelling on a moment in time. It was important to Him and He felt it and He dealt with it. But a greater issue is at hand for Him and all of us. In our grief we will find God, because He knows we need Him. It's after our grief where we usually lose it. We're ok and back on our feet and we can do it. Wrong. We can do nothing apart from Him. We have to learn to live for Him and not ourselves. This is a life lesson Jesus came to live as the example for. Follow it to true happiness. In love always. <><

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lean Into Him

Good morning and happy Monday. Sorry I'm late. Sorry I couldn't make it. Sorry I didn't call. Sorry I didn't come by. We've heard and said them all. Sometimes, it's absolutely true, the excuses we have and make to one another for the smallest of things. Sometimes it just can't be helped and there's just no way of making it up. This has been one of the most hectic and busiest week and weekend I've had in a long time. And it was all the stuff we've put off for the last two weeks trying to catch up from the weeks before that. Satan won this weekend. He wore me out to a point I let my frustration out, not bad, but not right. Realizing the battle is at hand is a big part of our success as Christians. Knowing that our eternity is at stake should have us so leaned into Jesus we become one with Him. I have not done that in a while and it has shown up. God forgive me for stepping out on my own apart from you. Thank you that the damage I caused was minimal on the large scale but huge in my own. Thank you for your grace and mercy in dealing with my stupidity. No excuses, no more. Thank you for guiding me back to you so gently. I love you and give you all the glory for all you've done for me. I will stay strong for the battle and not be caught off guard again. In love always. <><

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tell Them Good Job

Good morning and happy Friday. It's really good to hear from someone that what you're doing is good. A pat on the back at work, a friend letting you know that something you did for them was very appreciated. It really means a lot when your child tells you something like " That reminds me of you " or " That's something you would say ", and it's something really cool and meaningful that they're comparing you too. Most of us live out our lives thinking we didn't really do much for our family and friends only to have them show up at our funeral and say all the things we did for them and how it changed them. Tell people now what they mean to you. Don't keep it inside waiting to see if they mess up and you didn't waste an at-a-boy on em. Jesus let the people, especially the women, know how much they meant to their Father in Heaven. He let them know and He showed us today that we are someone worth dying for. He told us on hill nailed to a tree. He didn't keep it to Himself. He knows we'll mess up and not do good all the time. But He done it and told us anyway. Tell people they've done good when they have. I think of waiters and waitresses in this. I watch the Sunday after church people be the rudest to wait staff at restaurants. See people as God's people and you will appreciate who they are and what they do. Jesus died for them too. In love always. <><

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Christmas Story

Good morning and happy Thursday. I hope that everyone is enjoying their Christmas season. I also hope that everyone is remembering who and why we celebrate this day. Jesus knew the whole time He was growing up what He was on this Earth to do. The Christmas story has so many things to it that apply to us today. When you read it or hear it this year, think about all the people who were witnessing the event as it happened. What they said about Mary behind her back. What they said when her son said He was God. Mary was a vision of strength and love and devotion to God. She did not let the world tell her something she knew was wrong. She had God with her. That's all she needed. People talk about us and we about them. The difference comes when we let God take His place in our hearts and rule our lives.  He's all we need. Mary and Joseph were going to be ridiculed the whole time. Imagine how inadequate Joseph had to feel raising the son of God. He knew this was a special child and from God. The deepness of the story is mind blowing, but society is loosing that in all the gift wrapped specials of the season. Take time with your family to take a new and different look at this beautiful story. In love always. <><

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thoughts Of Death

Good morning and happy Wednesday. We attended a memorial candle light service at the church last night for those who have loved ones that passed recently. It's funny how we begin to think of our own mortality at times like this. We begin to examine our lives and measure it against the things we think would be good. We reflect on what we've done in our life and see if it's good enough. But if this moment has caused me to think about dying, what have I been thinking would happen to me before? Does my death and how I've lived only cross my mind when it's one these times? Of course I don't want anyone dwelling on death, but the how we're living our life part should be a daily thing. If we are following the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, death becomes our reward when we're done here. I'm getting thoughts wrapped up in the world more than I know, I guess. Maybe this is the wake up call to refocus myself. It's strange the things we see and how we see them, and everyone sees them differently. It goes to show God has a purpose for us all. In love always. <><

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trading Places

Good morning and happy Tuesday. What if by the power of some freaky thing or coincidence, or whatever, you changed places with your best friend. Like the freaky Friday or the change up movies. I wonder what our friend would find out about what we do and say. We would hear the things we say about them from people we told it to. A very honest and true dialog would open and nothing would be hidden anymore. How would you feel and could you find forgiveness for them if there was some hurt along the way? This is how our relationship with God is supposed to be. What amazes me is that we think we can hide stuff from Him if we don't tell Him. And there is forgiveness from Him when we hurt Him. And we hurt Him everyday. When we live transparent lives, and not pretending to be, our lives are better lived and better examples of someone who is loved by God. In love always. <><

Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't Keep it To Yourself

Good morning and happy Monday. In Jesus' day, He went all throughout the country side preaching to people who hadn't heard the good news given to the Jews. The Jews knew the word and kept it from the world. But then the world saw Jesus and knew exactly who He was while the Jews could not see what was right before their eyes. How bad are we searching? How deep in our own crap are we that we don't see what's right before our eyes?  We know the truth just as the Jews did. We keep it to ourselves and just do the minimum to call ourselves Christians and maybe people we know will think we're good. We're not just good by what we do, it's by what's in our hearts, really, it's who's in our heart. Do you see Jesus in your life today? Do you know who He is and what He's done for you?  Then why are you keeping to yourself?  Is your friend not worth the death paid for them too? We've all been bought at a very high price because we're all worth it. Spread the news to everyone. It's too good to keep locked away. In love always. <><

Friday, December 2, 2011

Tell Them You Love Them

Good morning and happy Friday. Count your blessing and tell everyone in your life you love them. If it's been a while or tension is high and people are on edge, tell them anyway. More importantly, mean it. I wonder if I've done enough to die. I know that we all think about what we would miss if we died. Kids graduations, marriages, grand kids, all that stuff. But what about what we've done? Has it been enough? I sat with an 8 yr old girl who lost her dad. Her first Christmas without him this year. He recorded some books he read to her so she would still have those this year. He knew he was dying and was trying to leave some of himself here for her. I hope that I'm leaving enough of myself here for my girls and my family and friends. God came here and left Himself for us and the impact was forever. If I died tomorrow, I hope that I have done enough for my girls to tell stories when they're eighty. Make everyday count, make everyday one for the Lord and with Him you will leave a mark. I love you. In love always. <>< 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When In The Desert..

Good morning and happy Thursday. Who is God to you? Is He your everything or just your when things are going wrong? Have you ever wondered why God's chosen people lived in the desert?  Do you know why you will find God in the desert?  Because that's where you have nothing left and all there is is Him and you. We always call out to Him at some point when the going gets tough. His people are in the desert because they have lost sight of Him. When you're thirsty and hungry in the desert you will too. But what is the desert you're in? Where have you led yourself that will have you depending on Him to help you? He will be there always. Sometimes when we refuse to see Him, He will strip us down so you have no choice in the matter. Our country's state is an example of that on a large scale. Our own set backs are that on a personal level. But are you giving God the credit for bringing you through it? For being there when you needed Him most. No, we're not. Not like we should. So when you feel like you're in a place alone and no one can understand, that's when He's closest. Look for Him and keep Him close in your walk through the deserts of life. In love always. <><

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bow Before the King

Good morning and happy Wednesday. I was reading an article about the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Its going to under go some repairs and they talked about the design of the door to the room where it is said Jesus was born. It was built very low so that raiders on horse back could not ride through it. No invaders today, but the door is still low and you must bow before entering. They had a practical reason to build it that way then because they knew who Jesus was. I think today it is a reminder for us to remember who He was and to bow before our King. We don't have kings or rulers in this country and aren't used to the idea. I think it would be great for us to be humbled somewhat to the idea of having a King to be a servant to. To bow before our King. What an amazing thing we've never really done. At some point soon, I really recommend and prayer from your knees, bowed before the King. It's just a great reminder of who we serve and that we are His servants. But only do this in content humility. A heart that is ready to truly serve Him. Bow before our King. In love always. <><

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hopes Get Smashed

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Have you ever had your hopes in someone, that they might pull through, finish up, or anything like that? That "I know they will do it this time" kind of feeling, and then get that call or text for the excuse why they didn't. It's one of the worst feelings ever isn't it?  It feels like they just don't care how you feel about them at all. Even though it has nothing to do with you really, we still take it personal. I wonder, and really don't want to know, how many times I've let God down the same way. With Him there knowing I'll do it right and follow through and all those things, just to have me let Him down. And unlike us, He's pulling for the small stuff we don't do. And unlike us, with Him it is about Him and it is personal. I don't know why we let each other down. Sometimes we have a good reason. I just want to stop letting Him down. I don't have the answer to that, other than it's a daily and sometimes hourly thing. But I know what it feels like to be let down and I don't want to do that to anyone else, especially God. In love always. <><

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lost in the Chaos

Good morning and happy Monday. I hope you had a wonderful day of Thanksgiving.  It's crazy how busy and overwhelming it can become, when family gets together. So many conversations at one time. One family in one house on one street on one block of one city of this country; families over the country doing pretty much the same thing. How does God keep up with that? I can't even focus on the two I'm involved in. It just goes to further show how awesome He is and how much we really need Him. When we have surrendered to Him fully, He does the guiding and directing. He has all this woven together in a seamless way so that we can live for Him and serve Him and others the way we need to be. All the chatter and noise of this world subsides and peace takes over, and a calmness beyond understanding. He is all we need. In love always. <>< 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You Lord

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. We are so blessed here in this country. Be thankful this year for the blessings and not just the stuff. A roof, some food today, all the things we almost take for granted. The things we don't realize we should be thankful for until they're not there and small panic hits. But it's ok, we can run down the street and put some gas in the car. There's people all over who can't. There's people all over not sure of the food situation for next week much less for today. Find it in your heart to thank God, truly thank Him for where you are today. There are a thousand people who would trade with you in a minute. Be thankful for the gift of salvation He gave us on a cross two thousand years ago, because when this blink of a life passes on, that's all there will be. Be thankful He loves you no matter what. He is asking us to come home to Him everyday, and He's waiting for us to do just that. Be thankful that He never closes the door to home. Be thankful for the love He's placed in your heart. Don't keep it there selfishly, go and give it away with joy and thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day of Thanksgiving. In love always. <><

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are You Trustworthy?

Good morning and happy Tuesday. You ever do something for someone and not tell them how you helped them out?  How was that persons reaction?  I had a person yesterday not believe I did something for them because I did not charge them on the invoice for it. Really? Where has our trust in each other gone? Why have we taken it upon ourselves to decided whether or not good, or bad, was done? I don't recall reading about any of us creating this world and having dominion over it. It's these small moments of time that we can find the true self. But the problem is, we have to know about God and how He wants us living before we know if we're doing it right or not. So how do they hear? Being in the Bible belt most everyone here at least knows about God, but anymore I question how well we know Him. When He guides our lives, we don't see the cynic inside everyone, we begin seeing who they really are instead. So instead of a thank you I got a chewing out and refunded the other work done. It wasn't much and I don't expect thanks, it just got me wondering why we don't trust each other. It also reminded me, I may not be trustworthy in some eyes. Let's you know it's a daily living, not a once in a while thing, that builds that; no matter how far you have to go to get back. In love always. <><

Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Place at The Table

Good morning and happy Monday. Jesus told the elite of His day to not invite the family, friends, and the wealthy to the feast; but to ask the poor, the crippled,and the blind to the feast. (Luke 14:12-13). It's easy to ask the ones we know or that will return the favor, for something or to something. It's much more difficult to invite the ones that you don't know or who can't return a favor to you, to come to your table. In this world today we have to really look at our motivations. As we drive along the good road we may still be on the wrong one. We've gotten ourselves so deep into doing the good we think we should be doing we missed the on ramp to road that God wants us on. Both headed the same direction but ending in two entirely different places. Good intentions are just that. God intentions are that and more and require a great deal more from us. In Luke 14:1 Jesus warns us of setting ourselves at the place of honor at the feast. We are to be humble and as a servant and let the host move us to the place he has for us. God is the host and eternity with Him is the table. Be careful where you sit yourself. Our feast is us spreading the good news. And while you are here, be aware of who you ask to sit at your table. Who are you spreading the good news to for the Host of all hosts? In love always. <><

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Bigger Picture

God morning and happy Friday. I can't stand it when I let people inside my head. When the things they say effect the way I  go about my day. It would be different if they knew me or what was going on in my life before they began to make their remarks. We do this to each other all the time. We make assumptions and then speak out on those without a clue as to the facts themselves. We piece together some things and call it proof. The danger in that is it can make you, the accused, lose focus on the bigger picture and dwell in the smaller pixel. Sometimes the race is long and there are lessons along the way for others as well as yourself to be learned and lived before the race is over. As long as we can keep focus on God and not let Satan weave his way into our minds it will be ok. Because your heart will go where your mind is if you don't stay strong. God's plan is not like ours, but if you are doing what He is leading you to, then trust Him to bring you, and the others, through it. Follow through with God's plan and do all you can, when you can, and as you can. The hurt inside is real when can't do what you feel you should be doing. But that may create a bigger problem because your thinking of your plan and not what God may be having you do. I trust Him more than you. Keep your heart filled with Him and don't let anyone change the way He is leading you, even when it feels right to do so. Go to Him and let Him guide you not the words of someone who doesn't know you. In love always. <><

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Web of Life

Good morning and happy Thursday. I just love when God shows up in the place you are and you can't help but feel Him there. When we feel alone or lost or simply unsure of where we're at or what to do, be still. When a fly lands in a spider web, the web works best when the fly tries to fly his way out in a chaotic way. His best chance of surviving is by being still and slowly working his way free. With our lives and the webs we find ourselves in, God simply says be still. But what do you do when you're still. There shouldn't be an answer here but I bet we're are thinking of something. The only thing is to listen. Do nothing and simply wait on God to show you. You still go to work, pay the bills, feed the kids and take a shower. But in those times listen for Him. Trust in God is the key to all of this. Let Him work in you. Let Him have His way in your life. The freedom is amazing and the life change is for real. And your change will affect others as well. So in the web of life today, be still and know that He is God. In love always. <><

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Amazing Love

Good morning and happy Wednesday. By now you've seen or heard about Mark and Gabby Giffords story. It's amazing that she survived and is able to carry on the way she can. Praises are heralded over Mark's devotion to her and her recovery. It's absolutely beautiful. But it made me wonder about how many other couples have gone through very similar circumstances. Without a peep of national news they made it and loved each other like never before. The Giffords story is inspirational and gives hope to others. Those who have gone this road as well have touched the lives of the people who know them. So no matter how big the event is or made out to be, our lives and how we get through them, can and will, touch lives. We don't have to have fanfare and hoopla to make a difference. When others see your life being lived out for Christ, a difference is made; a life is changed. Both are needed, quiet and big bangs, so that everyone has a chance to be a witness to it. Jesus didn't have the media the way we do, and His impact was huge. He made a difference in the small things and the big and it all mattered. Just do what you can and be that little bit of Jesus someone needs to see. In love always. <><

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Buy Into Yourself

Good morning and happy Tuesday.  Have you bought into yourself yet? Do you believe in yourself? It occurred to me that if I don't believe in myself, then I don't believe in what God can do in my life. I have begun to see that He gives us dreams. I've always known He talks to us in our dreams, I just never thought about not following through on what He is saying. It's telling Him " I don't think that's right and I'm gonna do it my way". I want to do a better job of listening and then following. My stubbornness has cost me plenty. It may be costing me eternity. Obedience is at the root of our salvation. Hell will be full of "good" people. I don't want to be one of those. I believe in what God can do in all our lives. I believe He is leading His people to great things for His glory. Most of us, me, are not following. Change your mind set and really begin to listen to what God is saying to you today. Then follow with the faith that He has got it handled for you. We could see a change in many lives, but sadly, only a few will step up. In love always. <><

Monday, November 14, 2011

How's Your CEO Doing?

Good morning and happy Monday. If you're the CEO of a company that's failing or not performing as well as it should, do you feel you deserve your bonus at the end of the year?  What if you're one of the employees who gets a bonus? I don't think anyone but those in those positions think they should. How many feel like they deserve to go to Heaven?  Is the "company" of you performing as it should be? Is it doing the things that are expected of it?  Fortunately there is a difference. The CEO doesn't have remorse and ask forgiveness, he just rationalizes his faults. When it comes to our "company" with God, as long as we can admit our faults and not do them again, He will give us the bonus we still don't deserve. But it all has to come with a heart of humbleness, gratitude, and desire to be truly forgiven by the One who can forgive. I'm amazed at what we "expect" in this country. We are greatly blessed here and it's so we can do for others. That's the idea behind our company on this Earth. To help and give to others. How is your CEO performing?  Should he get his bonus?  In love always. <><

Friday, November 11, 2011

To Our Veterans

Good morning and happy Friday. Warriors. The defenders of their country. The ones who are willing to give of themselves to help others. Our military men and women are example of selflessness. The example of willing to die for someone they don't know. Jesus did exactly that. They die for our freedoms, He died for our souls. We set aside a day every year to remember those who died and another to celebrate with the ones who served and made it through. Just like Jesus, we need to be thanking them everyday. Thanking them and their families for the sacrifice they are or have made. We need to be on our knees everyday thanking Him for His grace and mercy. He has fought for us and the war is still raging for our place in eternity. I pray we can all find time to thank those who fought for us. I pray we can to do the same for those still fighting for us. In love always. <>< 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No Apologies

Good morning and happy Thursday. There are a lot of things written about Jesus and the words He said to people. I've thought about it and can't remember Him ever apologizing for the things He said. For the toes He step on or the eyes He poked. It's because He spoke the truth and there is nothing to apologize for. The truth is what sets us free. He did all those things out of love for them all. He didn't want a single soul lost. He wanted them then and us now to know what it is to be with the Father. He knew they would curse Him, laugh at Him, mock Him and ultimately kill Him. How much are we doing in spite of all those things, except the killing part? I don't think many here will die because of the truth but others have and will in other parts of the world. We have to begin to care about more than just friends and family. We have to be stretched a little to reach those in need that we don't see. We have been called to spread His words and we don't have to apologize for them. Just speak them into the lives of others. In love always. <><

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Time For A Revival

Good morning and happy Wednesday. The political season is upon us, and I am amazed by the things these candidates say they will do. It's like watching the student body speeches from the movies where they're gonna get snack machine in all the class rooms and no homework on the weekends. What happened to the integrity of man? We've become so singular in our thinking. They say they want it to good for everyone and for all to prosper. What are they doing about the spirituality of our country? Nothing. And they shouldn't. That's our job. See how we all forget.  We've become a silent voice. No longer speaking up for children of God. The churches are who started all the helping programs for people. All with the right intention. What happened?  We quit. We got beat up by the secular world and quit. It's time this sleeping giant arose. A revival of the spirit within us to take this country back and use it's blessed resources for the good of it's own and world it's a part of. It won't happen tomorrow, and that's what the enemy counts on. Our perseverance cannot wane. It has to be strong so our kids see it and can carry on behind us. It's that big of deal. I know it sounds like a crazy idiot with some kind brain problem rambling on, but we're lost as a nation. It starts by a few deciding to do it better and for God. It has to happen. Too many people are playing it safe and trying to simply take care of themselves. People all over our cities need us. They need the love of Jesus we have in us. They need to see they have not been and never have been forgotten. The elite have. Not all but most. But taking the gospel to the downtrodden is not a campaign slogan on the side of any bus. It's our job to do that. Please find a place to plug in and help those who truly need you. In love always. <><

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do You Believe In The Devil

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you believe in the devil?  If you believe in God then you do. Good and evil, the classic story line of a lot of movies and stories. It's no wonder we have become so insensitive to it, the power of the devil. So if both are in existence and both wanting us with them for eternity, how can the devil win. He knows his place. He knows the power of God. He wins by taking God away from us. We have all seen this happening. Hardly a child today goes to school and says a prayer in it. We're not allowed to do a lot of things in the light of PC, (political correctness). So the power of Satan comes from us. We allow and become complacent in our beliefs and actions to not stand up at all. Satan's folks are though. They're loud and making headway. So do we shrink into our homes and just be thankful we're saved. What about the one outside your door? Are they not worth saving?  That's our mission. To bring the good news to those who have not heard it in many cases. Think about the kids of today who probably haven't ever heard the news at all. It's not their fault. It's the churches and the lazy people in them. We have got to get loud about Jesus and not let Satan snatch another soul. Evil is winning because it's evil and doesn't care who is offended. Right is right and it wins in the end, but we don't sit back and lose battles along the way just because we do. I hope I haven't offended anyone. In love always. <><

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Do We Get To Choose

Good morning and happy Monday. The wind and waves obey Him. All things are created by Him. He has power over everything. Why did He give us free will?  So that we would make our own choices to do what He has led us to. So that our love for Him would be pure and true from the heart. The hardest thing we need to do is to submit to His will in our lives and not our own. We have the choice to make and the result of that decision is because of  how we choose to live. But not always do you see the good for the good or the bad for the bad. Why? Because then it would be an us choosing to do good to just get good in return, not to do good because God has asked us to. The ultimate reward is Heaven and an eternity spent with Him. That's where the good really gets the good. True love for Him and a passion to help others the way Christ did is all that He asks of us. Believe in what He has said and follow the example He sent. Rejoice in the salvation He paid for you on the cross and walk in humbled adoration for the God who controls it all. In love always. <><

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Heart Muscle

Good morning and happy Friday. The heart, it's a powerful muscle. It's built and designed to last a lifetime, literally. It's also so fragile. It's not physically hurt by people and things but it is felt to the core. We have doctors who specialize in taking care of the heart. But they can't see what's on the inside even with today's technology. It's that which is on the inside that will be revealed by the great Physician. It's what is on the inside that guides us to do the right and helpful things on this earth. And when we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell there, all things will be good. Doctors can keep it pumping and doing it's manual purpose of circulating blood, but they can't help it to feel the love of our fellow man. It's this emotion that separates us from all other animals. God dwells within us and not animals. It's real and it's more powerful than can be imagined. Every time you feel that tug at our heart, it's God in you. I hope that means something to us. He is with us today the same as He was in the past. He has never changed. Let the love of the Holy Spirit fill your heart today and every day from now on. In love always. <><

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Doing It On Our Own

Good morning and happy Thursday. Aka Friday eve. What if no body ever shared a story?  What if we had to learn everything on our own? If we had to figure out how to deal with every emotional issue we faced?  Now really put that to some thought. We have a lot of knowledge. We could get the survival stuff down pretty quick. We would figure out how to eat and get something to drink. It would all be for ourselves first and no one else. We would become as self sufficient as possible and then ultimately die an early death with no one around who cared. Now there would be more for them. Evidence of God is all around us everyday and yet the world is in chaos. When He designed this place, it was to be Eden. We got involved and wanted to be able to rely on ourselves. It seems that the more we move away from God and remove Him from our lives, the more of a mess life becomes. Throughout the old testament and into the new, man as made an effort to be on their own. It's never worked and since we can learn from the past, why is God not the center of everything we do?  We all have different answers and ideas about that, but what are you gonna do about it for your part?  With that knowledge comes the responsibility to put it to use. The smart money is on God and His promises. Put Him first in every decision and action and see what happens. In love always. <><

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prepared to be Equipped

Good morning and happy Wednesday. The power of believing in yourself is amazing. Believing you can do something, knowing on the inside it's possible, can change your life. I watched my youngest daughter play volleyball last night with that same attitude, one she hasn't had all season. She played awesome. She played with more confidence than ever. That same kind of belief in what God is calling us to do will change the world. We don't have all the tools we need to do what is being asked of us, that doesn't require faith. He will equip us as we take those steps of true faith. When we're able to do that, we can play this game of life with the confidence we've never had before. We can make real differences in lives around us. In love always. <>< 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's in The Small Things

Good morning and happy Tuesday. I called my friends mom, who was my second mom growing up, to wish her a happy birthday. She had been crying as her son, my friend/brother, passed away earlier and she's having a lot of firsts without him here. His sisters were there and the stories were being told of the "days". I'm glad they got together. So as the football game was going and they panned the crowd of thousands, I thought to myself, no one here knows that Trent is gone and his family is missing him. No one knows the impact of his life on his family and friends. It made me realize that it's really not the size of the pool we swim in, it's how well we swim in it. It's the little things in life we do that usually leave the biggest mark. Jesus did some big things in His day, but the best, most heartfelt ones are the small things right from His heart. I used to think I had to make a big impression to do the most good. No, just do the small things of the heart when they're needed and if no one else in the world knows, it doesn't matter. The one who needed you does and the One who lead you does. That's all that matters. Do what you can for Him when you can, especially the little things. In love always. <><

Monday, October 31, 2011

How Far Will You Go?

Good morning and happy Monday. How far would go for your friend? How far for a stranger?  In Mattthew chapter 5, Jesus talks about people asking things of you and what you should give and how to be with them. If someone wants your shirt, give them your coat too. If they want you to go a mike, go two. The Jews were so literal that they would have a stone set one mile away to walk the one mile with them. We have a way of setting those same kind of limits. Caller ID is one, and if you know why it is, you've used it. The distance we go with someone doesn't matter. It's done from the heart out of love for them as a creation of God. We are His and belong to Him, all of us. Jesus was telling them then and us now, give more than is asked of you and give it with a cheerful loving heart that shouldn't be having to be asked in the first place. We see the needs and know what's needed but really don't do much about it. Helping others can be the biggest blessing you ever receive. Helping a friend when he thinks no one cares shows love and gives hope. These are great things. sometimes their own pride won't let them ask, how great is it to be in tune enough to know what they need without them asking. It's time for the world to be taken over with love for each other. Just like in Rocky IV, "If I can change, and you can change, then we all can change". It takes place though, through the relationship with Jesus Christ. Let the love flow. In love always. <><

Friday, October 28, 2011


Good morning and happy Friday. A friend from the past has a birthday and while thinking about the old days, a flood of memories came pouring in. I love the time I grew up in. I love the friendships and the relationships I had then. There's a part of our lives from way back that will never fade away. As we get ready to celebrate the birthday of our Lord, I want to reflect a while on the memories I'm creating by following Him. There's not a whole lot yet as I haven't been at this long, but as I look back on those old ones I can see where He was there with a little guiding hand the entire time. He has been leading the whole time. I've chosen not to follow and enjoy the life He had for me then. It's ok now because He's using that stubbornness of mine to try and do some good with it now. Even though we haven't done what He's asked of us doesn't mean He's done with us for good. It's just better to be in His shadow than out in the world. He will use the messes we make to bring glory to His kingdom. We don't have that ability. Take from the past all the good and bad and give your testimony to those who need to hear "it's ok, you can make it". You've are bought at a high price and you're worth every drop of blood that was spilled for you. In love always. <>< 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

White As Snow

Good morning and happy Thursday. Woke up this morning to a beautiful snow covered yard. It's covered everywhere except the sidewalk. Pretty good covering too not just a dusting. White and clean and makes things look so new.  It looks like us when Jesus covers us in His forgiveness, clean and white as snow. But what about the sidewalk?  Reminds me of the fact Jesus gives Himself and the salvation He offers to all but the heart must receptive to it. A hardened heart is like that sidewalk, getting covered in grace but none of it is sticking. Our hearts have to be in a receiving condition and the hardness of life chipped away and to receive His goodness. The grass that is covered will be watered and the ground underneath will receive much needed moisture. The sidewalk just gets washed off and appears to be good and clean. A hard heart will never be what it appears. Prepare the soil of your heart for the blessings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear His word and let Him water the seed into the growth of a useful and fruitful life. Be covered in His grace and forgiveness. In love always. <><

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

He's Global

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Have you ever been sitting in a crowd of people and listen to all the different things being said? Not really eaves dropping, just hearing different things going on in so many lives. That's just a small amount of people considering we're nearing the 7 billion mark. But the things going on in those lives are important and have meaning to that person. And somehow in all that, God is working and making things happen for them. And the other 6.9 billion are all being taken care of too. He's amazing. The awesome power of God blows me away. And it's not just a stop by and check on ya. It's full on with you all the time. So while we are only capable of dealing with the stuff we have, think about the others in this world who would trade you in a second. We have a God who is involved in our lives and not passive. He wants good for us but wants us to follow His ways and not our own. So before we tie a major problem or issue around our necks, how 'bout going to our knees and letting the One above handle it with us. Next time you're at a game or in some stands with folks, listen and be thankful. It's not that bad or that big of a deal in the big picture. It may just be a check of where you're at. God is in control if we get out of the way. In love always. <><

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Love, a Powerful Tool

Good morning and happy Tuesday. How powerful is our love? We use it as a tool all the time.  We tell our kids, " If you don't do this, then you can't do that". We get them to do something by threatening something they love. We do it subtly in our marriages by withholding our love. We don't give all of ourselves. We do this very same thing with our love for Jesus and the spreading of His word. Love is by far the most powerful emotion and the most powerful tool there is. It can move a mountain. It can heal a broken heart. It can save a life. it knows no limits but the ones we put on it. It's not a device to used against but for people, and the greater good of us all. Watch yourself closely for a while and see if you're not manipulating people or loved ones with the power of love. The love of God was demonstrated on a cross on hill a long time ago. It has never wavered or forsaken a soul. It's the most powerful gift of all. In love always. <><

Monday, October 24, 2011

All in the Way You Look at It

Good morning and happy Monday. Perception and perspective. Hand in hand words but not correct without each other most times. You pass two people on the same street one day. One dressed very well with a brief case and tie. The other in some jeans and t-shirt with tennis shoes and head phones in his ears. What would we perceive from both without having the perspective of where and what they're about? You see the suit and tie guy is out of work and looking for a job and can't get bills paid and has contemplated suicide over the last week. He's losing it. The other is a Christian recording artist that just left a fund raiser where he gave a large amount of money and time to a cause he believes in. Could happen on any street anywhere with a multiple of situations. We pass judgement on people when we don't know the facts or the reasons things are. Jesus teaches us a lot about this with the very people He engaged and chose to help do His Fathers work. The problem this way of thinking has is it builds resentment to the people we place judgment on. We would be more apt to talk to the suit guy before the jean guy but then be blown away and unprepared to hear his story because it's not what we thought. Jesus was always ready, with loving and kind words to build up and not tear down. That's our mission too. Don't judge or make preconceived judgements about a situation until you know the situation. Then act accordingly. It's simply doing what Jesus taught us. In love always. <>< 

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Marriage is First

Good morning and happy Friday. Ever notice all the stickers on the backs of car windows about the kids of the family and their sport or school activity?  It's cool to let people know how proud you are of them and you support them too. I was one of those parents for a while. But as I look back I see that that became who our family was. The kids and their sports. The marriage was left out as second if there was time for it between games or tournaments. Our children are special and dear to us but that weren't there the day you got married. They won't be there in the house when you're older. The marriage is the beginning and the end. It's always there and should be the foundation the family is built on. We are the bridegroom of Jesus. It's what is coming and the importance is exactly what it is here. Sure we're His children too, but the marriage is coming and it is what matters for eternity. We have to reevaluate the check list of the important things and get them in the right order. God first is a given but we slip up when we generalize family second. It's marriage second and children third. Then everything else falls in after that. Marriages today are splitting up all the time because there's no  time invested in them. What are you losing? You get to see the kids still right?  But what are they learning and how do we teach them to stop the cycle? By teaching them they are second behind the marriage. It doesn't mean neglect them, it means the foundation is strong to raise them up in. Know your place with God and how it plays out when this is over. Keep the stickers and be proud of your kids, but know that the two front seats of the car are what grows them up right. In love always. <><

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Good morning and happy Thursday. Well, back to work from quick trip to Dallas. Get back and the computer has to updated and restarted to get the day going. Isn't it nice that we have the chance to restart everyday?  A bent knee is a very powerful position to be in. God forgives us for the screw ups we are. It's done out of love for you but it requires a devotion to Him that must remain. Out of that devotion we become less likely to screw it up. The more we're with Him the less we leave His guiding ways. The more we don't want to be like the world says is ok to be. The longer we maintain this relationship with Him the easier it is to do it right. It doesn't mean the trials of life go away, we just know how to deal with them better and lean on Him to get through it. So if you haven't lately, I really recommend a restart. Its a chance to start over at this moment. In love always. <>< 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stuck in a Rut

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Routines. We all have em. I'm in Dallas and out of my routine and everything is behind it feels, but I'm on time so far to everything. But it reminded me of how when I get away from God it feels funny and lost. I like to get to a point like this because it helps me keep perspective on what really matters. I miss the routine but I like the reminder. I miss being home. It's only a day but it's a day to learn from. Thank you God for the things you do to keep us close to you. In love always <>< 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poor Pitiful Us

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you know or are you someone that is in place or funk you can't get out of? They want to move forward but can't. They want to leave it behind but can't seem to. They usually try to do it alone and become isolated in trying. This isn't how Jesus instructed us. Life has some hard times in it. Sometimes it seems like it's not worth living anymore. But that also is not what Jesus taught. You need to rely on others to help but not to become the crutch. You need more water in the tub to help the boat float. No more excuses. No more pity. It's just plain ol' getting on with life. And when people see how you came through, they see Jesus in you. See this life is not about us as much as we would like to think it to be. This is about God. He's wiped us out and started fresh before. The next time is permanent. Wallowing around in our junk isn't helping with the cause. It really shows a lack of trust and faith. We ask for prayers through it but don't mind the Spirit when He talks to us. Don't let Earthly issues keep you from an eternal reward. In love always. <>< 

Monday, October 17, 2011


Good morning and happy Monday. Integrity, a trait not found as much as it once was. But it's still one of the most important traits one can have. It will help in those times of testing because it has become second nature to you. it will also mean that people will check your integrity more often. It's a trait that really speaks volumes about your faith though. When in a situation where it is called upon, your integrity shows your faith in God to take care of you. It also let's people see Jesus in you. When they see a situation they would have chose the wrong way while watching you chose the right way, they can witness Jesus doing it right. It all sounds simple and easy, and for the most part it is, but when it comes to being able to put food on the table or care for a child, it may not be so easy. Think like Jesus and be like Jesus and it will be for the better no matter how bad it all may seem. In love always. <>< 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Who's Your Influence ?

Good morning and happy Friday. Who in your life has influenced you the most?  Either good or bad someone has had an impact on us that shaped us to think and feel the way we do. We are supposed to do that for our kids and usually those results don't show until later in life. How can we be people in those lives that when they look back at theirs, they see us? They see the way you lived today to help them be better tomorrow. It's in the way we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. If we can't be lead, we can't lead, at least not in a positive way. God gave us our relationships for a reason. We have to stand up for each other and we have to be Jesus to those who don't know Him. This is all so basic and elementary, but we're not getting it done. Think where this country would be if we all helped each other and were able to put Christ back at the head of all we do. He has to be first and we have to live by His example and then bring Him to others. Sounds easy. In love always. <>< 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Are You Where You Want To Be?

Good morning and happy Thursday. We've touched on this before, but last nights group really brought it to light. How's your life? Are you where you want to be in it?  When you were 8,9,10 yrs old did you plan on being where you are? Are you living the life you dreamed? As you a kid you said when I grow up I want to be right here?  Nope, not many of us are where we thought we would be. But just like in last nights study, we merely need to call out to the one who can heal us. Yes, heal. We have wounds and scars from a past that as brought us here. We hide them and don't talk about them because of the pain that goes with them. But God knows and He can heal us. When the world is saying be quiet, He's waiting to hear us call His name. No matter where we are He can and will hear us. We are His sons and daughters, He will not forsake us. His love never ends. In love always. <><

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Difference a Day Makes

Good morning and happy Wednesday. One my favorite movie lines from Men in Black says, 1500 yrs ago everyone "knew" the wold was flat. 500 yrs. ago everyone "knew" the earth was the center of the universe and 15 min ago you thought humans were alone on this planet. Just think what we'll "know" tomorrow. We never know what tomorrow holds or the power of what today does hold. Actions taken or not taken can effect a person for a lifetime. We can leave a positive or negative imprint on the world and the decisions of today can effect even the next 15 min of a life. It's hard to do the right thing sometimes because the result may not be seen for a long time. Jesus walked this Earth a long time ago and His impact is still being felt today. He may even effect us in the next 15 min. Be a difference in the world for the good and it may effect generations long after you. Be Jesus to your world. In love always. <><

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

When God Smiles

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Powerful, almighty, omnipotent, warrior; all words that describe God's presence. Creator of the universe with chaos in control in the palm of His hand. And yet can have His heart hurt by mere mortals He created. And then on then on the flip side; have so much joy in His heart from those same humans. Benny Hester sings a beautiful song about the Prodigal Son called "When God Ran". It's so on the mark with how much our God loves us. As stupid as we get with the way we live and behave, He's always ready for us to turn around to Him. The main point of the Prodigal story is the son reaching a point of repentance. That's when the smile comes to God's face and there He is with arms wide open and a forgiving spirit that just wants to move on from there with you right with Him.  Complete control of all things except how we behave and feel towards Him. To create us and then love us enough to let us choose Him on our own knowing that some will not. He is amazing. In love always <>< 

Monday, October 10, 2011

What If You Knew Tomorrow?

Good morning and happy Monday. What if you knew what was going to happen tomorrow?  What if you had the ability to see just one day ahead?  How would you change the way you live today?  Would you become a person who lived in the world because you would know when you were gonna die and make things right before you go? How about taking what you know and doing the good stuff with it. Bill Murray in Groudhog Day started off for himself but came around to do good. So if someone knew what was ahead, would you listen or call them a nut?  Well God knows what's next for you and moreover He planned out your whole life. A great line in a new Casting Crowns song says, my future is you're memory. Why are we not following the nudges of the Holy Spirit trying to lead us? It's control, because if it was us seeing ahead we would trust it. Control. Because it's God knowing what's ahead we doubt it. Faith. Throughout all of history, faith as always won. Trust in God to lead you. Have faith in His direction. In love always. <><

Friday, October 7, 2011

That's My Job

Good morning and happy Friday. For some, Friday is payday. Man what a nice feeling of being rewarded for something you've done. Not all of us feel that way about our jobs. It's just that, a job. But the reward part is always there. For some the reward is the job. They just love it and would do it for free. For others, it just helps pay some bills. The diversity of it all is what fascinates me. But when all is said and done you still get paid (rewarded) for being there. God has a reward for us too and it's just as diverse has to who likes what they're doing now to get there.  This life is so short in the big picture but we live like it's forever. Our "job" here is to spread His word and do His work. Some don't like it and others would do it for nothing. And we will all be rewarded but it's a big deal on payday as to how well you did your job this time. It doesn't have to be employee of the week good. It just needs to be good in God's eyes. A good heart and meaning well won't cut it. It's the relationship with God that helps you do the job well. It's the relationship with Him that gets the reward. Spend some time getting closer to God and the rest takes care of itself. In love always. <><

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Be Still and Quiet

Good morning and happy Thursday. Be still and be quiet. That must be the message for today. That's all I hear Him say. So today be still with Him and listen to what He is going to say. Take comfort in knowing that He is doing things in our lives all the time. He reveals Himself to us everyday. His glory shines all around us. Today let's enjoy a day of being in His presence. And the quiet of not being in the world. Let every decision be made with Him on your mind and heart. What a glorious day. Thank you God. In love always. <><

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All The People

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So I'm driving home from Tulia last night on 287 and see a few cars and trucks and moving vans. Where are they going?  What happened, if anything?  What is their story?  Funny thing is, they may be wondering the same thing of me. I just left my youngest daughters volleyball game and she's upset about some stuff. We talk and I'm driving down the highway with tears flowing. No one knows. It's dark and we're all passing each other. As long as things are in the dark they're not seen. No one knows the trial you may be facing. When it's out in the light, that's when people come. But all those cars made me think of how many people I'm passing everyday that could really use somebody. All these people, each with their own problems. It's hard to see it when we're just passing by. We need to be aware that we're not the only ones going through stuff. And in most cases, ours would seem small compared to others. The volleyball game was the teams big cancer survivors dedication game and announcing the one fighting it now that they are playing the season for. It's all in perspective. In love always. <>< 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Can Make a Difference

Good morning and happy Tuesday. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. So now that we know we're all crazy, think about this. If everyone in the world did the same thing they've been doing and never changed their ways, what would happen?  Nothing. We would have the same issues we have today. The same people in charge, the same powers that be and the same destiny in eternity. It's never too late for change. And yes one person can make things happen. The ripples in the water started with one drop into the pool. No one as ever impacted the world with change the one man did two thousand years ago. He didn't travel far but His message is still going on to the four corners of the Earth. He didn't live long, but is still alive in the hearts of millions today. His example of how to live is simple and clear. We are the ones who make it difficult and foggy. Change begins slow and the impact lasts forever if it's the right way to be done. Follow the example Jesus left for us. It changes the world and leads to Heaven. It's a win win. In love always <><

Monday, October 3, 2011

For A Friend

Good morning and happy Monday. Think about your best friend. Think hard about them. If the world ended tomorrow, had you done everything you could for them. Been there for them, helped them in times of need and in times of celebration. Probably so or they wouldn't be your friend. What about God? Have you talked with them about Him? Do you wanna go to heaven and leave your friend behind?  Of course not. I've watched my best friend be so on fire and then be so far away not long later. We don't really know who's going anyway and it might be me left out and him going. But the point is that have you done all you can for your friend. I know he knows God. But I haven't been there when his fire is going out to put another log on it. That's why we have other people in our lives. A strand of three is stronger than one. God made us relational because He is. I wanna be in heaven, and I don't wanna be there without any of my friends. So what am I going to do for my friend? How do I get into his life and make a difference? By doing just that, getting into his life. Ladies this is a hard thing for the fellows to do so it's mostly for us but it does apply across the board. I love my friend, but I don't show it the way I should. Make your relationships matter and make a difference in a life other than your own. In love always <><

Friday, September 30, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Good morning and happy Friday. You ever wonder if a decision that God is making about the course of your life, depends on the next decision you make? So if you decide road "A" that's before you, then this is what's ahead for you. If you choose "B" then this is there. If we are not making our choices with God on our mind and in our hearts, there's no telling where we're headed. He gave us free will for a reason. What better love can there be than one that is chosen? One that you decided you would love and give your all to. That's the choice He is letting you make. A lot of my choices still keep me away from Him, but the old choices I made never let me know He was there. It's progress and it's slow going sometimes, but it's still a heart that is becoming more and more devoted to Him. The mistakes we make have to be learned from to not make them again. You have a lot of choices and very few lead you to God. The world wants you in it so it offers you more. But that more is only temporary and dangerous. Make your choices and decisions with a God filled heart. In love always. <><

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Groans And Uttering

Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you ever been praying and you just can't find the words to say?  You feel them but you just can't express them. If you were to let them out they would come out as gibberish. Well the good news is, God hears our groaning and inaudible uttering we can't say. It's like the friend or spouse who knows what you gonna say by the way you're looking. He knows our hearts intimately. He knows what we're trying to say to Him. So why do we need to pray? Why don't we just feel it to Him and let Him get it?  Because it's a relationship. He needs to hear from us the same as we ask of Him to speak to us and answer our prayers. It's the interaction that develops the relationship. When the relationship grows so does our trust. And when our trust is in Him, then that's where we go to find peace in this crazy world. I think it's amazing that He can make sense out my rambling mess of thoughts and feelings. That He loves me that much to know me that well. He loved me enough to die for me so I could be with Him. There's no love like that any where else. That's what will feel the emptiness of our hearts and souls. That's what we're looking for. In love always. <><

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Song Says It All

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Sometimes a song just says it all. Jeremy Camp was one of my very first favorite singers when I began turning my life around. When the heart is broken and you just don't understand why life can be so hard, a song like this reminds you what it's really all about;
Jeremy Camp - "I Still Believe"

Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain
I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe

Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it's my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain
The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokeness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near
in love always <><

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Change Is Slow

Good morning and happy Tuesday. How long do you think it took for the Colorado river to cut the Grand Canyon? Did you know that Niagara Falls is eroded away by two inches every year?  It's a long slow process of change. Our lives are just that as well. We didn't fall into our ways over night and we certainly won't change them over night. Everything is a slow fade, with subtle changes that people don't see when they're up close. It's after they've been away for a while that they see your change, good or bad. It takes time to see the beauty of a life changed. The person who is changed knows right away but the world refuses to see it's lost another one to the grace of God. But change does happen and it's the patience of the one changing that is in jeopardy.  We want it now and the difference seen now. It's not gonna happen so we have to have a hand out to help with the walk of someone who has decided to turn their life around. It's hard to help when you don't see it though. It takes some time and a little bit of things actually being different before we give our trust back. The slow fade back is just that, slow. And it's a good thing too. There are a few overnighters but not many. Be patient and enjoy the beauty of a life being changed by the power of God. He did carve out a beautiful canyon. In love always. <><

Monday, September 26, 2011

Never Too Far Away

Good morning and happy Monday. Have you ever loved somebody so much you would do anything for them? Anything is a broad word and used recklessly, but out of passion, not disregard. It doesn't matter how far we have gotten away from our selves and who we are, there are people that still will do anything for us. Sometimes that it is letting us go and letting us grow on our own. Sometimes it's a life given through devotion to us. The righteous of our society tell us we can't make it by the way they treat us. The real Christian know it's already been done. A very high price was paid for us. It cost a our Lord and Savior His life and death we deserved. Beaten so badly mothers hid the faces of their children from seeing it. We had that coming. He gladly went up on the cross to save us for a life to be lived with Him. Some say it was easy for Him because He was God's son. In those moments He was us. He took the sin of the world and bore it and let them nail it to a tree to never be seen again. It doesn't matter where you are in your journey of life, you are never out of His reach. The reach that stretched across a tree and said " I love you ". And knowing that we still live lives that don't honor Him. We choose not to be with Him. It's our choices that lead us to destruction.  He has made a way and it's our choice to follow it. Don't let the "anything" Jesus did for you go in vain. You mean everything to Him. In love always <><

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fire Inside

Good morning and happy Friday. You ever have that person who always tells you, "It won't be like that. It'll be different this time. From here on out." it never really changes with them and you get to a point where you can't even trust them. If and when they do change, it's because of a choice they made to do it better. How many of us stand before God right now as that person?  "I will do better. I promise you.". All those excuses. We go to church on Sunday and before the week is out we can't tell you what the sermon was about. We get all pumped and before we leave the door the fire is burning out a little at a time. This only changes too with a choice to do it better. Just like a log to a fire you have to keep putting some Jesus in you all the time to keep your fire going. He is going to save the world. And He is coming back. Will He see your fire on the hill?  In love always. <><

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Good morning and happy Thursday. What is it you're most passionate about? That thing that if anyone messes with it, you're ready take it outside. The family is the obvious one, but what about other stuff, your friends, your job?  How passionate are we in our defense of Jesus as our savior. We usually don't want to say much because of two reasons. One, we don't know Bible stuff and can't argue a good case. Bull. Two, we don't really know Jesus that well and so we really can't argue the case at all. If you know Him you can tell people about what you know and especially what He's done in your life. But if you don't know Him, I would ask why not. And if you're reading this you've heard of Him and know some things of Him. So not knowing Him is out as an excuse. It's because we have no passion for Him. It offends others and we step on toes and someone may stop liking us. If that's the case, see ya, don't need ya. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. If that's where you want to be then He is who your passion should be for. No excuses, you either do or you don't. And if you do, start acting like it. Tell people about Him and don't worry what they think. Get your passion for Jesus fired up and going. It can change your world. In love always <><

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Get Out of the Way Again

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So you got a "thing" going on. Some problem of some kind. Work, family, friend or kids, something that's causing you misery of some kind. Here's a usual chain of events. You're gonna fix it. You're gonna make it right. You can do it it's no big deal. And you're probably right on most of them but when the one comes along that isn't getting fixed, then what?  Well we really dig in and begin to lose the focus on our own life. We get mad and frustrated because it's not fixing. We pray and no help comes. Now we get mad at God for not helping. Why is He not doing something?  Well, God is so loving and patient with us. He's simply letting you do what you think is right. And all He's really wanting you to do is get out of His way. As soon as we step out of the way of God, not leave, but just let Him fix it, it begins to change. He loves us so much that He will let us do this to ourselves to learn from it. He won't let it go too far before He moves you out of the way. We have placed too high a value on what we can do. It's not us that does anything, but God who does it all through us submitting to Him. Get out of His way. Let the change in both lives begin. Don't be mad at Him or the situation if you're in the way. He has a plan and I'm sure His is much better than ours. He loves us so much. In love always. <><

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What's On The Inside?

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So to continue a bit on Luke's story, the real point of it any way. Jesus was letting them know that they were more concerned with outward appearances than what and who they were on the inside. It's not just the politicians and church leaders, it's everyone. We always say it's what you do when no one is looking that tells where heart is. True, but when your with others acting good, does it really feel good on the inside too. That's when you take a true look at your heart and realize you're only pretending. A God filled heart stays that way all the time. It doesn't mean it's perfect all the time, it just means that we truly are who we say we are. It's a life of persecution for your beliefs. Maybe not to the extent of the Bible times but it does happen. But don't let that feeling of isolation lead you to compromise. Hold true to who God is making you to be. Follow His will and His plan for you and then tell others what He's doing for you. In love always .<><

Monday, September 19, 2011

What's Their Motive?

Good morning and happy Monday. So what do you think the Pharisee was trying to do with Jesus when he asked Him to dinner at his house in Luke 11:37? I love the message there about the inside of us all, but for another angle, I wanna look at the motive. That's what we deal a lot with today. People testing our metal. Trying to set us up to fall. The Pharisee wanted to catch Jesus saying or doing something they could use against Him. Jesus was upsetting their sweet little apple cart and they wanted Him gone. When we are the Christians we should be, we upset the apple cart Satan has going with someone else too. They want to see you crumble under pressure, fold up your good ways and give in to the world. They will wait and watch for as long as it takes for you to slip, and then bam they gotcha. But we know that's not the whole story. We have found forgiveness in the Lord and that we can all be restored. Even those trying to do us harm. So don't let a little devil keep you from doing what you know needs to be done and living the best you can and relying on God the Father to have your back through it all. In love always. <><

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bottom of the Ninth

Good morning and happy Friday. It's the bottom of the ninth and the game is tied.  Your best hitter is up with just one out. The crowd, the other team and even the people who don't like baseball, know this guy is swinging away and hopefully get a sacrifice fly to win the game. The coach, who also knows this, calls for a bunt. No one will expect it. The hitter gets the signal to bunt and can't believe it. I'm a hitter not a bunter. He's also on a team and it's not about him. He lays down a good bunt and the game is won. Sometimes in this game of life we get asked to do the unexpected. It's up to us to make the choice to do it. We're not being asked to do something we can't do, it just requires us to step out in faith that the "Coach" knows what's best for the team. Take great delight in the fact you're the one He chooses to use today. In love always. <>< 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Little Things

Good morning and happy Thursday.  How many of us like it when little things are done for us?  Some little thing that would, for the most part, go unnoticed. It makes me feel good knowing that at least for a moment, I was thought of. It feels good all the down to the soul. It doesn't take much either for most of us. The simple things God does for us are too numerous to count. And you're always on His mind. The sunrise of a new day is my favorite. The sunset of a good day is second. The smell of cut grass and flowers in the spring, the coolness and beauty of the fall. He is amazing in His thoughtfulness of us. He gives to us all the time and only wants some of our time in return. I love to do for those who have done for me too. Why aren't I doing more for God who does for me all the time?  I feel like He becomes a second thought, an oh yeah thought in my head. And that is the problem. It's in my head and not my heart. That's where love and compassion are because that's where the Holy Spirit is dwelling. Thank you God for the little things you do in my life. In love always. <><

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Good morning and happy Wednesday. I love you. I really do. I can honestly say that no matter who is reading this at this moment, I love you. There was a time that wasn't possible to say because I didn't.  The change in my life is evidence to the fact only God changes us. I fought it myself and when finally to a point of realization, I surrendered. I am by no means that great of a person, but what I feel is the Holy Spirit moving me closer and closer to God. Why would I not want to share that and help others, like me, who are lost, find this? To really love others because They are in the image of God, the one I'm pursuing. To love others because God created them. So really hear this, I love you very much. You are my brother and sister in Christ. There is nothing greater than love. And the greatest love is God's for us. In love always <><

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Who's Winning?

Good morning and happy Tuesday. In most things in life there is a winner and loser. Wether we are in a competition  or not, we will make it one within ourselves. And of course we always want to win. I've done that my whole life. Now I sit and wonder why we wait so long to grow up and finally see it. The game of real life is kinda the same but opposite. We are to help others win and we cross the line behind them. I have this picture in my head of Christians helping others out of a hole in the ground. Lifting them to a life of salvation. But the cut away shows that under those Christians, in the ground below, is Jesus helping them up to the hands that are reaching down. It's no longer about winning or losing, but about loving and caring. We need to be in the hole helping to lift up instead of putting ourselves above others and reaching down. Get in the hole with Jesus and start lifting some people up. In love always.  <>< 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Do You Believe?

Good morning and happy Monday. Do you believe in God?  Do you believe the Bible to be Gods word? Do you believe Jesus is God's son and died for your sins?  The answers to those questions are all the same; either yes or no. If no, you can stop reading now. But if it's yes, what are you gonna do today for God's glory? Just because the Bible is published and on our coffee tables doesn't mean the story ended. Everything that happened in it is still happening now. Lives brought together from years and miles apart to be there for each others help is still a miracle. We use the word coincidence too much and not see God working. If you can't see Him working in your life, then it's doubtful you're giving Him the glory for it. Good or bad, God is using us to further His Kingdom. It's theme repeated over and over but we just don't seem to get it. Jesus was walking among the people of the day and they didn't get it either. It's time to open the ears of our hearts and listen to God move us. To allow His will to be done, not just repeat it in a prayer and not live it. It's time for a revival of our nation and a stronger effort on the part of Christians. God is alive and working in us all. We have to respond to that. In love always. <><

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Lost Sheep

Good morning and happy Friday. Sunday is 9/11. Millions will be praying in churches all over the world for the people affected by that day. We can't forget the ones who will probably get no prayer. When a Shepard loses a sheep, he will leave the 99 to go find the one. The one that is lost is who needs our prayers. We, as a people, are so quick with our anger and so slow, if any, with our forgiveness. The people on the planes, I hope, were saved. If so there is a plane loads of people in heaven. But the ones that got them there probably are not. It's those people that need our prayer. The lost sheep of this world. Satan will use these kinds of things to steal away souls for eternity. We have to find peace, love and forgiveness in this world. It's the only tools we need to defeat evil. God was there. He was with them all, with a hand of forgiveness and tears of sadness. We never know when our time is and we must be ready too. We don't know if the person next to us is either, no matter the nationality, but we need to help them too. Anger and revenge only last for a while then fade away. Love and forgiveness never die and heal nations in the process. Pray for the lost sheep. Pray they will be found and that they choose to go back with the Shepard. Please understand I am not discounting the tragedy, but we have to move on in the right way or we are hijacked too. Satan is a very smart player, but he has been defeated. Lift up the lost, known and unknown, and forgive the hurt. It's never too late. The thief on the cross knew that. In love always. <><

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm Sorry

Good morning and happy Thursday. How far does an apology go?  How much does it help the parties involved? What is it that brings us to the point of apologizing? Usually our conscience is the culprit. But isn't our conscience the Holy Spirit in us really?  God is all about forgiveness and restoration. An apology to God is simply our confession of sin. And unlike the people we've hurt, He's quick to forgive. To even ask for that forgiveness is tough in itself sometimes. But when your relationship with God is what should be, then it's all a little easier. Fewer sins and less confession lies ahead. Not an easier road, but a great companion to walk the walk with you. Make your days a walk and talk with God. It puts a smile on His face. Be quick to mend fences with others and let them see what Jesus came and did for us in His forgiveness. In love always. <><