Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. So is satan winning? According to the news and other media and the opinion of most people it would seem so. Since when does a nation of Christians let an event take them down. I don't know that any are but I don't see or hear many out there pointing to God with this. The message is about evil and sinister things and now that's what we talk about. All satan needs is a small crack to weasel his way into a life. A view just off the mark that may look like God but in the end is not. In the Book of Revelation do you know why John describes those horrible images? That's how he sees satan and evil. That's how Christians will see it. In the end days the world will see a good kind hearted man leading them to their unforeseen doom. The Christ followers will see him as the serpent and dragon that he is. So how do you see the world? As a terrible place void of God or a terrible place ruled by the dragon. Make no doubt, God is here, and is by the way, satan's God too. We are being allowed this time to come to Him on our own out love for Him. Not tricked or deceived but pure love for Him. Find a way to love the hurting people of this world and not call them names and cast them aside because its easier to do so. That's how we win more souls with Gods love for us and others. We have to make our lives about Him in this chaotic and crazy world that satan uses to draw us away. People will ask, where is God in all of this? He's right there holding a hand some else wouldn't. He's hoping that by putting them in our path we will find the compassion for them He has. I have so far to go. Help me Lord Jesus. In love always. <><
Monday, December 17, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Well, last week God was laying ground work for today it seems. Prayer and the subject of them. With the school shooting and the way the economy is and the election, there's no telling what if anything is being prayed about. There was a man named Saul who wanted Christianity gone. The people of Damascus knew he he was coming for them. What would you as a group of Christians there be praying for? That the wheel on his chariot fall off and he be hurt or killed? You could rationalize that it's a Godly prayer because if he doesn't get us we can spread the Gospel better. I know if I were there I would have prayed for his demise. Do you think anyone stopped to pray for his salvation instead? Well in spite of us God saw to it and now we read the things he's written about our Lord and savior. The news has been about 26 victims at the school. For God He sees 28, and many more still left alive. There was a mother killed that no one is saying much about. There was a lost boy who no one seemed to understand or at least see this coming. Never to take away from those 26, please understand that. But the point is the same as Saul, what is being prayed over people who are lost? God lost some of His children that day. Some will be with Him I'm sure but who knows where the others were in there relationship with Him. We are so quick to get after the thing we think will bring immediate relief to a situation instead of what brings the best and most glory to God. I would have never prayed for Saul to be saved knowing he was coming to kill me. We need to be in prayer for our leaders, our teachers, our families, our nation, our world, for all of our salvation. I'm saddened by the shooting but from the heart and mouth of child came these words about it; " I feel most sorry for the guy that did this. He must've really been hurting the most to be able to do this". I never thought of it that way, but God does. Be careful what you pray for, and be mindful of what you say in it. You never know how God is going to use the event for His glory. In love always. <><
Friday, December 14, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. How long do we wait for God? Do we just give up at a point and say well I guess it's not gonna be? How do we know the answer is no or if its not yet? I wish I had an answer, but apparently 4 1/2 plus years isn't too long. I think that for the most part it's about our continual relationship with God. When we stay in touch with our family and friends its easy to know what's going on and needs that may be needed to be met or joys to be celebrated. When it's been a while since we've seen them or talked its hard to have conversation other than catching up kind of news, it doesn't become very personal and close till the gap of time gets closed. I think when we realize that God made us for Himself, we could better understand the relationship we should have with Him. I've made a thousand promises to my kids over the course of their lives, some kept and some still to come. They ask about them every once in a while and about the status of it happening. Nothing big, but still important to them. Unlike God, I can't just make things happen so some will have to wait but they aren't discouraged by how long. We have a relationship. Draw near to God. He asks us to do so. He wants to be all you want Him to be. Be prepared to follow His plan and the direction He is leading you though. You will not win against God. So why not follow along the way that has already be won? In love always. <><
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Coincidence or God? Fate or luck? How easy is it to forget or look past God in action, to see His hand in things today? When we read the Bible we easily see how things were put together to bring about the things prophesied. Out of the blue, Augustus decides to count all the people so that brings Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem out of Nazareth. No big deal unless you know about what all was said about Jesus coming from there. But those things are easy to see from our perspective today because we're looking back. Isn't it also in the Bible that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? So if He was doing those kinds of things then ( yesterday ) isn't He still doing those things today and continue on in the future? We are surrounded by His miracles everyday and some wonder where He is in their life. The question is right except the emphasis is on their life and not where is He. Where is He in our life, first, second or even in it at all? That's for us to do. He's been there since the dawn of days so it must be us. I don't believe in luck or coincidence any more like I did when I was younger. Even my golf ball bouncing just right off a tree is not luck. It's how well I use that opportunity to make an errant shot turn out to be a great day at the golf course. In love always. <><
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. What if your prayers get answered? I'll make it easier, what if your biggest prayer is answered the way you would like it to be? Lets leave off the table the health of someone close to you, because those involve a lot of people praying the same thing. You're biggest prayer for yourself, something for you and you alone gets the answer you want? Now what? How do we change or do we? Does it become a testimony to God's goodness? Do we just keep it locked away and to ourselves so no one knows we prayed it? I'm in the middle of that happening right now and after today and the final stuff is done I will be letting you know how it all turned out. I can't help but feel that a lot of people have let their story of God in their lives die or simply not acknowledged Him being present. As big is our prayers can be, we seem to only let it be known when the big one gets answered. Oh I know it should get some extra bells, hoots and hollers and such but we need to remember the everyday small things He does for us and make those our testimony and praise to Him. Maybe it's the big ones He uses to push us to speak out. Lets all be a voice of God in this world. We all know it could use more of it. In love always <><.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Why and when does God answer prayer? Your guess is as good as mine. The one thing I do know is, it is in His time and His time alone. Some may be answered immediately because He's been waiting for us to talk to Him and others because the timing is just not right yet. The first though, of waiting on me to ask Him saddens me most. To think that He's been waiting to "help" or do for me but I haven't asked Him. Then when I do, I feel like that's all I come to Him with is my needs and wants. But wait that's what we mostly do. To think that He is holding an answer to a prayer because I haven't prayed to Him also means I must be trying to do this on my own and without Him. But the one He's waiting to answer is the one that makes me the happiest, at least now that I have grown up some. This is the one He's letting me grow, mature and be ready for. It's the one He's wanting all things to be right so that we can be blessed and people will see Him in it because we gave Him the glory before the answer arrived. We're always ready to pray for others, at least we say we'll be praying for them. How often do we go to Him on our own behalf just to talk out the day and how things went and are going? When we get to that stage of it all, our prayers to Him are simple conversations and the understanding of the timing to answers is gotten. I like it when He's grooming us and preparing us for the answer to a long awaited prayer. It means we're ready and pleasing to Him so that we may do what it is He is blessing us for, to bless others. In love always. <><
Friday, December 7, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. How do you feel today? How about yesterday? What was the difference between them and say last year at this time? Do you remember what you were doing and how your life felt the day before 9/11? Yeah me either, but we remember where we were that day though. The day before your life changes forever, feels like any other day. Until you know Christ nothing seems different. Everyday is the same and then one day it changes and you wonder how you ever lived without this before. How do we pass this to people so they don't waste days of their life not knowing Him? It's different for all of us but it's a question we have to find the answer to, lives in eternity depend on it. Those days that are behind us are for us to remember so that we realize the day it did change. I once was lost, but now I'm found. I once was blind but now I see. We have all been lost and blind in the past. Can you imagine physically being blind and then seeing clearly in an instant. Being lost somewhere in the mountains and wondering if death was your next day, and then rescuers turn the corner to find you. Your life would never be the same. You would remember the day it happened, but the ones before may all seem alike. Live for the day He found you and opened your eyes to see. Be an instrument for Him to use to help others the same way. In love always. <><
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. I love to meet with people in a group and discuss issues. I like to see and hear other points of view and weigh them out with what I think. Used to no one was right but me and everyone else just wasn't as smart as me. There are a number of places in the Bible about maturity of the church and how the mature are to deal and help the immature. Thank you Shawn and John and many others just like them who showed me patience and kindness to explain what I didn't understand. It's people helping people. Showing each other the love of Christ. Jesus spoke in parables to His disciples for a reason. Once they matured they would understand the deeper meaning of what He said. Everyone, including the heathens could make something of the surface meaning. Christians today, as I have said many times, are lazy and not really interested in going a little deeper anymore. We take the surface stuff and call it good and tell others how good God is. Then the person they told digs a little deeper on their own and finds out how GREAT God is. We're missing so much of God and our savior Jesus if we don't get into the Word and study and get involved in other people's lives and hear and learn more so we can grow more. Find a group to get involved in that wants to study and grow. Get to a place where you can lead a group yourself. Multiply our passion for Him with others and set the world on fire again with the name of Jesus. In love always. <><
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. I tried an experiment last night. At least I paid more attention to it anyway. I listened to my phone music in my ear buds all night. Each time I woke up from the ear buds hurting my ear I paid attention to what song was on. I have all kinds of music on there too. But last night every time it was one of my favorite Christian songs. I kid you not. Now what do I make of it? For most people it's just a coincidence and nothing more. For others, big deal. Who cares? Me, I thanked God for the most wonderful nights sleep and serenade of music. Just a small little thing in my life that doesn't really mean a thing to anyone else. Just something for me from God. When we really look at all the things He is involved in, how can we not be in awe and amazement? With a God who loves us this much, how also can we not love people more. Take hate out of our lives and begin to let the light of the Lord shine for all to see. Yesterday was a call to arms. Today is how it begins. Thankfulness and humbleness before God. Allowing Him to lead the way and us willing to follow. It may start off small at first so don't be looking for the big miraculous event. I wonder how the army felt marching around a city wall for seven days as part of the battle plan? Sounds stupid and ineffective to them. My favorite songs each time I woke up last night. Sounds stupid and unimportant, but both were very effective. Thank you God. I love you. In love always. <><
Monday, December 3, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. At what point in our lives do we realize we really need God? Is it when everything has fallen apart and we feel we have nothing left? Do we live our lives how we want and then decide to receive His grace and mercy at the end of it? Many people have come to Christ in by those situations. Of the many examples, these are just two for the sake of argument. But the question I would ask is this; If God is good enough to be sought out for at the end or most desperate time of our lives, why isn't He good for the whole thing? As humans we seem to think we have it all under control, or at least the idea that we can control things in our lives. To some degree we can by our decisions., but we have an illusion that we can do more. We can turn things around. For people who don't believe in God I could see this but Christians do the same thing. The evidence is in a good look at our countries history. Founded on beliefs in God and prosper till we begin to allow satan to whisper in our collective ear that its all ok. We are deteriorating slowly as we continue to push God out of our country and our lives. It's time, it's past time, for the Christian nation to stand up and no longer be silent. Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Tell your church. Make it happen. Quit being comfy in your Sunday pew and realize you're being called to action. We owe it to the One who gave us all. In love always. <><
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Tell me who this sounds like. He stood and led a crowd that killed a man. He went house to house throwing people in jail for following Christ. He done all he could to keep the word of God from being spread in his country. Killing and prison were the most widely used deterrents. He wrote many books and letters relating his past and present experience with Christians and how they should be living. His name is Paul and was once named Saul until he met the Lord. Jesus changed his heart forever. What if Osama bin Laden had met Christ and changed his heart for God? What if he became a Christ follower like the one Paul did? How would the world be different today? How skeptical of his change would you be? This is what Paul had to face in his day and found himself in the jail he once put people in. And yet, from there he penned most of the New Testament. We Christians study the words he wrote to better know the Jesus he was once hated. That gives me hope for my little petty life of stuff I've done over the years. I haven't been perfect, in fact, far from it, but Jesus did not die for me to just quit. He's paid a very high price for me and you and all our past is covered when we let Him take it and bury it to be remembered no more. The least we can do is live a life as pleasing as possible for Him. To give it all to Him the same way Paul did. To realize that Jesus is exactly who He said He is. To have our hearts changed forever and to live the way we should. Osama's sins are no greater than ours. Sin is sin. But we have the chance to be redeemed where we stand right now in one instant. In one instant a past of bad living can be gone, used now as a witness to others that if I can do it so can you. Paul's life gives me hope in all of us of what Jesus has done for us on the cross. Thank you Jesus. In love always. <><
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Can you imagine standing at the end of your life looking back at where you right now? What would say to yourself about where you see yourself heading? How different would would have yourself start living from that point to get to the point you see you need to be at? Oh, I think we all can say we're missing the mark somewhere in our lives, and if we could be out into our own future and tell ourselves where to go and what choice to make, we all would have some direction to give. Well someone is already there. He's been there from the beginning and the most amazing part of His being is that He's here with us now also to walk along side us. He gave us His spirit to lead us to where we need to be. We keep choosing to follow our own ideas of where we should be. I watched the movie Looper this weekend. It's got me thinking about how we can change our future memories by changing how we live now. This guys future self is sent back in time to him and he has all his memories of the life he lived. The present guy changes the future guys memories by living different than he did otherwise. It's really an interesting concept. But our future is just a memory to God. And He's sent Himself back to help us get to where we need to be going. I think it's best if we listen and heed the advice of the creator of all things. Just saying. This is not a world of chaos as we see it. It's a perfect plan playing out with all of us making choices that effect others in the world. But mostly it effects us and our eternity with God in heaven. That's the goal folks. Not a thing on this earth should be our objective, except the souls of others. See you on the other side. In love always. <><
Monday, November 26, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving week. What are you gonna be thankful for today? How about everything? Sometimes He just gives us the next breath to just keep breathing, to give us more time to fully understand the grace and mercy He shows to us. Paul wrote in I Timothy that he was thankful for being found trusty worthy enough to be placed into the service of the Lord. This coming from a man who was locking up and killing those who followed Jesus, that even He could be shown grace and mercy and then to tell others of the same God and savior that can do the same for them. We take this for granted here. We feel entitled to it because we're good people and not like those others. While that may be true, it's seems to me we have lost focus on the real objective, serving the Lord. Entitled people don't serve but are served. I know it's not everyone, but it is many. We need to learn to be thankful for the tasks that God brings us to. It's a chance to show Jesus to someone usually. And then sometimes it's a chance for us to see Jesus in someone else. To be reminded of the stripes we deserved but He took for us. To give us a way Home to God the Father. While its good to be thankful for a lot of things and many blessings in out lives, put your salvation through faith in Jesus first and live a new life for Him. In love always <><
Monday, November 19, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Just a few days away from Thanksgiving. My prayers this time of year are for us to realize how thankful we should be and that the world of self satisfaction melts away from our hearts. That we find that place within us to love each other and to care for each other,and not just the people we know but the ones we don't. I'm thankful it doesn't potentially cost me my life to worship Jesus. That my family is not at risk for me having a Bible or spreading the Word of God through this message. I pray that we stop taking all this for granted and really apply this to our lives daily and not just on Sunday. That God is first in our lives just like He said He should be. To be ready to give up everything we hold dear to follow after Jesus just like He said to. If we believe some of what the Bible says why aren't we believing all of what it says? In Luke chapter 9 Jesus was not trying to discourage people from following, He was making sure they knew the cost to do so. If you truly are going to follow Him,then be prepared to pay the cost. Nothing here on this earth is worth hanging onto just to loose our eternity with Him. This season be thankful for the smallest of things in your life. Jesus is in all them. He cares about every part of you. Be thankful for the country that lets you read this and your Bible anytime you want without any danger. Use these blessing to be a blessing. In love always. <><
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Faith, where to begin? This is from a Christian view of faith in God and in our lives. First, faith is the belief in something not seen.( Church way version ). I think you could add and not known. Not everyone knows God, but they still have a nagging in the inner being of something bigger. It's trust on steroids. So we've heard the phrase living in faith, or walking by faith. One and the same. From old text walking meant our life journey. So how do you live in faith? It can be a two edged sword for some. " I have faith that God will take care if this". Sure but what is your part in "this". If its the bills being paid your part is working and writing the check. He gave you a job to work at and trusts you to do what He needs you to do there. " I have faith that God will heal him and make him well ". Yes He can, but the healing may be on the other side of this life and not in that hospital room. When we lose our faith in God we're no longer trusting His word and then we are headed for doom. Again, faith is in what we can't see or don't always know. We're trusting God to be who He tells us through the prophets and scripture He is. That's really as far as you can take it. Just because you have faith doesn't mean the check is written and mailed for you without you doing something. Faith in God is the same thing, you have to be living for Him. Humble yourself and serve. Serve others needs and let them see God in you and then they have hope which leads right to faith. That's why they are together in the Bible with the biggest gift of all, love. He loves us no matter what. He has faith in us no matter what. He has hope in us no matter what. We feel His presence enough to know He's there. Have the faith to know He is who He is. He will never forsake you and never leave you. It's us who walks away from Him. And sometimes it's because we've lost our faith in Him. It is a daily ordeal for some an hourly one for others and that's why it's living, walking, in faith, it's all the time. You never saw Jesus and you never saw Him die for you, but have faith in Him that that is exactly what He did out of love for you. Your eternal life depends on it. In love always. <><
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. What does it mean to be in God's way? I'm in the way of God sounds good on one side but terrible on the other. Sometimes we have before us a task at hand that we feel God has presented to us and we begin to work, as good followers do. But what happens when it's not getting anywhere? You feel like nothing is working and the end is no where in sight. That's when questions begin to arise like, " why isn't this working" " why is there no progress" " is God really in this or am I seeing it for something else". Doubt of wether or not God brought this to you., really. We're good followers of Christ, we know when it's God. (Sarcasm in the tone above). I think that sometimes God puts things in our life to simply be a witness to His work, not to fix it. My wife once told me a very profound statement. " I don't need you to fix everything, I just need you to listen". No babe I haven't forgotten. Sometimes God just needs us to "listen" to Him as He works in the lives of others. You'll know when it's time for your role in it. So don't feel guilty or despair because you didn't do it for them. Be glad there's a God alive in all of us today and has not forgotten a single detail in our lives. He may be making someone stronger for you to able to lean on or draw from later. And when you find yourself as the project, don't let things hinder you from finding what God has for you, and most certainly don't begin to try and find blame. It's a test and only a test. It will make us all stronger and better able to serve God. So you, bystander, get out of God's way and let Him reveal Himself to the world through this mess. Stop trying to fix it and listen. Glory to God. In love always. <><
Monday, November 12, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Crippled, lame, deaf, mute, unclean and any other thing one could point out about someone, was considered an outcast in their society a ways back. Today they are called handicapped or disadvantaged. Whatever, the point is not the label put on them. In Jesus' day these folks would be near be city gates or roads and other places that people passed by. They were seen daily and helped or not helped everyday by someone. Today we've built ramps and such to help make things as easy as possible for them to live a normal and independent life as possible. A good thing. How often do you see someone in a wheel chair in need of help? Imagine if there were no ramps or ways for that person to get up onto a sidewalk. Someone would have to stop and help. There would be a need in the life of a brother and a chance for us to help. Did we make all the things easier so we wouldn't have to deal with them? To make it easy for them to be out of mind? I don't think so but it's a thought. Have we built ramps in our lives to make it easier for us to not have to help Jesus? Are we making it "easier" for others to find Jesus without our help so we don't have to be involved. Out of sight out of mind. It's sad that we are becoming the Pharisee of our day. We are walking past those in plain sight and in need. Take down the ramps and the easy way and the idea that it will get done without you. It will, but you're needed to do your part, and start reaching out to those in need and those who are lost. We are the ramps God built for the world to use to get where they need to go, Home. Become useful to our Father, that's how He made us. In love always. <><
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Well, you've heard me say before that I feel like God has an amazing since of humor. Still undecided as to how to vote yesterday and torn about a lot of issues on both sides, I was still asking God for a clear choice. Well, I get to the polling place and it seems I've been purged from the system. "No vote for you. " so after a lot of face booking in a lot of places last night it became clear to me. He was keeping me neutral for a reason. We are now split literally 50/50 in this country. Who knows their Bible here? Well this country and Gods people had better get together and work out their differences. And there are Christians and non Christians on both sides. This isn't about party lines. Just like religion, man divided itself into groups. He's done blessing us and will leave us to our own self serving ways if we just keep going. Now, the neutral in me sees both sides good and bad, but all people were doing last night and today are bad mouthing the whole thing. That's not the answer. It doesn't solve a thing. We are to love each other and I don't see that coming out of anyone's mouth. What I do see is anger and bitterness. That's poison. Our enemies are watching at the door step of our collapse. As long as we are divided this bitterly, we will collapse. And it won't be the presidents fault but we'll blame him, no matter who's in the office. "Jesus open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers. Let our hearts be, lead by mercy". There are three fingers pointing back at us when we point out someone's mistakes or issues. He will bring us to our knees one way or another. If you voted great, if you didn't, hush. If you're not ready to give all to Jesus, get ready. Nothing stops the roar of a crowd like the painful truth of who reigns. Who will stand up and hush the crowd? Stop complaining and get about fixing instead. Unite as one nation and take it back for God. In love always. <><
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Good morning and happy Election Day. I look back at the people of the Bible that God has used for His work here among us. It's easy to point out the obvious, David, Moses, Noah, and so on. But what about Pharaoh, Pilate, Judas, Herod, what about the part the bad guy plays in our lives? If not for some of these guys, those others may not have been pushed into the spotlight. Sometimes we need a look at how bad things are before we get to doing the right things. The Ten Commandments are not possible to keep. So why did God hold those as His standard? To show how much we need Him and that we are not able to do life apart from Him. It's not the only reason, we are to try and do our best to live by God's word, but the point is, if you feel like your life is not where it should be or this country isn't headed where it should be, do something about it. If called into the spotlight, answer. If called to help someone there, answer. I hope that when all this is done we can pull together as a UNITED STATES. Not the divided ones. We need God now more than ever. Evil is perched at our door and waiting as we grow weaker. Stand up and be heard. Bring God back to this land as our leader. In love always. <><
Monday, November 5, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. God bless America. Can He really? He has before but seems to have slowed it down a bit. I really feel like its just those following Him and not the nation as a whole anymore. We, the country have asked Him to leave. Why would we expect Him not to. We pray for miracles and expect those to happen. Why would we not expect Him to leave us alone? We've attained great wealth and power as a nation. We are a world leader. All of this by the hand of God but we have claimed the success as a our own. No glory to Him at all. When a Christian person comes into the spot light, i e Tim Tebow, everyone sees it as weird or odd instead of as the norm. He becomes a parody on SNL and made fun of. I believe that's what Jesus said would happen to us when we followed Him. So is God gonna bless the heathens mocking His people? I think not. The answer doesn't lie in tomorrow's election results. Do go and vote, but take a look at your inside and see what you can do to make Jesus the norm in this country again. In love always. <><
Friday, November 2, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. I love how God reveals Himself in our lives. Either in our own or through others. I had very good talk with a very dear friend, brother, last night. He's in a bad way and stuff is going on with his kid and it's a tough spot he's in. He knows God is with Him but has hidden himself away from His people. Now as much as God is with us all the time, He as us doing work for Him. Being there for each other, lending whatever hand we have to help out. He's made us communal. Our reliance on Him is found in service from others. Now I can't help you if you go hiding and withdrawing away from me. And that's what satan wants us to do. Stay away from one another and not have trust in each other or faith that help is on the way. Sometimes when we become the person in need our pride, the part satan uses, keeps us from asking or seeking help, especially us men folk. All this to say, God will at one point get done what He wants done with or without you. He gives us opportunities to serve and yes be served. But we have to be present and willing to give and to receive. I learned the giving part from my mom. She gives of herself everyday and gave to her kids all she had. I wish I could be more like her in a lot of ways. But the giving is a little easier than the receiving. Receiving requires humbleness. Letting go of what we think we have a hold of. When Jesus came into the world, love, true love came with Him. He left it here for us today. Serving others and allowing people to serve us brings us all together under His love. That's what we need today. Love each other today like never before. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Nothing sucks worse than losing in the first round of the playoffs when you're an athlete. You've worked hard all season and made it there when some said you wouldn't, then you get there to prove them wrong and then lose the first game, leaving you feeling like they were right the whole time. Well, what do you do now? Sit around and let them have the last laugh or get ready for the next sport and working hard at that? What do we do when the world, and especially our family and friends, make us feel that way? Who, more than anyone wants us to feel bad and isolate ourselves and turn inward with our head down? The devil himself. When we allow the glory of God to shine in our life we learn to become warriors. Fighting satan is a daily endeavor and we must be prepared through Christ to succeed. "In the warriors code there's no surrender. When the body says stop, the spirit cries, NEVER," I love Rocky movies. But we have to know that our strength is in our weakness because that's when we depend on God. If we would just do that all the time it would be a lot better. We're driven to win, but we will lose some battles along the way. It's what we do next that makes all the difference as to how we keep our relationship with God first and Him leading us to the real victory. While the other team may be laughing now, it is only temporary celebration. In love always. <><
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Show of hands of who likes to be frustrated. Anyone? Didn't think so. So when we get frustrated with God, and we do, what do we do? That's what keeps many away from Him. It's just too hard. I can't keep this up. He doesn't hear me or care. Things along those lines are what I hear people say sometimes. Remember when you were a kid back in the days of parental discipline? When you had done something wrong, real wrong, you got a spanking and a grounding. If it was wrong but nobody got hurt, you just got a grounding. At first it all seemed harsh but as time went by and you lived through such a traumatic experience, it got easier and you understood the love behind the punishment. Maybe you're frustrated because of what you're doing and not liking the punishment being handed down from God. It's certainly evident in our countries state of affairs. God is the giver of all things and He is the most just of all. But if you find yourself angry with Him or frustrated cause life doesn't seem to be going well, maybe a step back and looking at ourself will supply the answer we're looking for as to why He's not acting on our behalf. He's holding back a flood gate of a blessed and more meaningful life, but He's waiting on our surrender to Him. So get through the grounding and take the time to look at where you are in your walk. Then proceed with great joy in knowing that if He didn't love you He'd just let you be and not show Himself to you at all. Frustration is a tool of the devil and He's been defeated. Stay on the winning side and let God have control of your life. In love always. <><
Monday, October 29, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. I don't care how many times you say it, happy Monday just doesn't sound right. How much is one degree? Not a lot. If you drew a straight line and then from the same starting point you moved out one degree and drew another line from the starting point and the spot one degree off the first line, way out down the line the two would be a long way apart. We'll call the first one God's plan for our lives and the second one we will call our actual path in life. I don't know about you, but when I look back I see a line that's about as crooked and all over the place as one can get. The main thing in that is realizing when the line went back to the original. It doesn't take much for us to get off track. And at first it doesn't seem like its that big of a deal because we can still see and feel some light from God, so we're good. Until we check back in and see how far we've move from center. It's like falling asleep on a float in a lake and waking up on the other side. How did I get here? This isn't what I wanted to happen. And it did take a little while to get there. The good news is it doesn't take as long to get back. God is faithful. He doesn't want us lost and separated from Him. He wants to bless us and keep us for Himself in heaven for all eternity. Just go back. It's not too late and you're not too far away. Don't let the devil tell you otherwise. He's the deceiver. He will make you feel unworthy and unloved and then keep you for himself in eternity. Where do you want to be? Move back to center. One degree is not that far but it can mean the difference between heaven and hell. In love always. <><
Friday, October 26, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. I woke up with a terrible headache yesterday and made it through noon at work before going home for the day to die. It got me thinking about our prayers over the sick for healing, which was brought up in Wednesday night Bible study. The verse brought up and the part of that that stands out is the key to it all. 2 Chron. 7:14. if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. The key word is humble. If His people humble themselves He will hear. We all can seek Him we all have turned from our sins but have we really humbled ourselves. That's a tough one. What does it mean to humble yourself? It might be different for all of us but I don't think so. In our group it wen from putting God first to various other things. Jesus was our example as He walked this earth. He was humble. Note that it obviously doesn't mean weak or powerless. He had no home, no food of His own, in today's terms He would be a bum. That's sad that we've moved that far away from Him. But being a bum doesn't make us humble either. He relied on God for everything. He trusted Him with everything and He gave up everything to Him. Now it doesn't mean we sell off our stuff and go giving it away but it does mean to realize its not yours anyway and to just let go of this worldly mind set and think and live through Jesus. When He is our filter we can't go wrong. When we step out from under His protection and trot out on our own, we will fail and we will find ourselves humbled as we scurry back to Him. Good news; He won't say I told you so but just take you in and give you comfort and rest because He loves you. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Success without God? Yes it's possible. Yes it's done and seen. We've all seen a movie or two with selling your soul to the devil. Tombstone and Crossroads come to mind. But can that happen? I don't know about a physical exchange between a person and a persona of the devil, but we choose to give over our souls to him through a number of ways for exchange of some sort of improvement in our lives. Remember this is about yesterday's post about how God is in our lives and successes daily. Satan is a very smart creature. He copies the ways of the Creator in order to disguise his true mission. What may seem to be of God is not. It's in us to be filled with God but our world pushes us in so many other directions, that we can be lost in who we really follow. Very crafty of the devil. I've seen myself people with great wealth and success and know how they are living, because I was living it with them, and it just made me wonder why I couldn't get there too. Well that's part of the trap. Satan knows he's not gonna win against God. What he can do though, is take as many of us as he can away from God. That's his victory. To hurt the very heart of God by having His creation not be with Him anymore. Jesus wept in the garden because He knew He would be out of the presence of God while on the cross taking on our sin. As God looked away from Him hanging there, I can't help but feel that He shed a tear too knowing that people would not follow His son home and some would be lost from Him. I don't know where you are in your walk with God. I do know that each of us has a duty to God and to Jesus, for what has been done for us, to spread His word and bring as many with us as possible. And by the way, Satan only has success because God has allowed him to, by giving us free will to choose. Even God is satans God. So really there is no success without God's permission. In love always. <><
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. A friend and I were discussing the upcoming election. Subjects varied some but his focus was on his job. He's worked twenty years there and is now a partner that is about to own it himself. He talked about how he worked hard to get there and such, which I don't doubt at all, but lots of people do. The thing that stuck out to me was the fact that no glory at all was given to God for this taking place. Lets look another way. If for some other reason, a weird turn of events or some strange happening took place that made him partner, people and him might say that it's a "God thing". God would get the credit for something outside the "ordinary". Why do we then claim it ourselves if its plain ole hard work? Aren't we a miracle ourselves for even being here? There is nothing that is ordinary, normal or weird about life, there's just life, and God made it so I guess it's extraordinary. The point; give God glory for the next breath you take because you're not promised it or the one after that. Sure people work hard and are successful, but it wasn't without the help of God in their life. We'll discuss the opposite of this tomorrow, but from this day forward, God gets the glory. In love always. <><
Monday, October 22, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Sticking with the political parties and the riff we're going through as a country, why can't we be as passionate for our Lord as we are for our parties candidates, both sides? The thing I've seen this time around is the gaping hole between both sides. We are so far apart we could never really hear each other and come together on the good things offered by both sides, and there is and if you're nodding your head in disagreement, that's exactly what I'm talking about. The Pharisee knew that what they were doing to Jesus was wrong. They knew they made up the charges, but put just enough truth with it to convince the people they were doing right. They stood so far away from the truth Jesus was speaking that they simply refused to listen at all. Why? Are we all in such good high places on the social ladder that we don't want to be brought down and shown to be wrong. I have more respect for someone that can say they are wrong and take another look at an idea and then get after something that has been brought to light than anything else he does. When do we admit we've been wrong about the way we see the world and our country and get down to the ground and become servants to one another. I knew a man once that told me if a jackass, literally, ran for president, he would vote for it instead. Really? That's how set in our ways we've become. I know it's not all of us but it says something about our culture. We have been a lost nation for a while because of turning our backs on God. Things just don't seem as good as they used to since we did. Oh it's still the best place on Earth to live, just ask all those trying to get here. But we've lost some blessing from God and don't kid yourself into thinking we haven't. We will not make a turn around with the vote of man but only by the power of a nation devoted to God. All this has happened with some godly men in the Oval Office, so it's not them that makes the change we want to see. It's us, We the People. God's people. In love always. <><
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. I'm sure it's the technology of the day and social media we have now that has made the groaning's of this nation more audible. The questions and half truths and out right lies and the desperate place we find this great country is sad. It also should be expected. Just open your Bible to Galatians 6:8. Our harvest from what we have sown is here to be stored in the lofts. When we boast of great things we do or claim our success as what we've done and not given any glory to God, it will fail. If it does not fail and continues to prosper without God at the head, then it's destruction will come with eternal judgement in hell. I think God has been telling this nation to get it together for some time now and we have not done so. I know my parents only warned me a couple of times and then the hammer dropped. Father God is done warning this country. It's demise is eminent if it doesn't come back to Him. Don't take this as a political endorsement, but if Romney wins and the nation sees no benefit or better outcome, do you think the people will get it? The answer is no because the then the other side will say "see we told you" and the process continues. It's not so much as to who the leader is as much as it is who we follow. Until we turn around and head back to where we came from, it won't be better. "Take me out of your schools, homes, buildings and gathering places and I will take away my blessings". I can hear that so clearly being said by God. Where has His church gone? Where have they gone? Why aren't they leading people to Him? A Revolution is in order. It's time to come out of the hills and caves and from behind our safe doors of home and church and go be a church for our God and this country. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. So how many of us believe that politicians and lobbying groups misuse or distort our constitution to fit the piece of legislation they're trying to present or pass? Even more troubling are those who actually try to change it to fit their agenda and claim its better for the country. How many people do you think do the same thing with the Word of God? I would be willing to bet its more than those in Washington. And the disturbing part is that people try to change, add, or take away from it to fit their way of thinking or lifestyle. The constitution is made by men and meant to have room for change because of foresight for growth. God being all knowing already, didn't leave room for human addition or subtraction from what He's made sovereign. Where do we get off thinking we can. There are very few stand alone versus in our Bibles. Most require the whole part to have their meaning and impact. If you're not gonna know the story of the stuff you're quoting, don't say a thing. It would do us all some good to know why things are the way God made them. Stop taking just the parts that make us feel good and using those but take the parts that convict us and apply it all. There is some bad with the good in everything. Be thankful God took care of it for us; we just need to get to know Him through it. In love always <><
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Have you ever thought what it will be like when you get to Heaven? Not the inside Heaven part, the part where you're going there and life on earth is no more. Last night I had a dream that it was similar to a crowded train station and everyone was trying to get on. But it was peaceful and friendly. There were thousands of people there and this was just one of thousands of stations. The part that I think the dream was about though is that I didn't know anyone or recognize anyone. I didn't know about family or friends and felt alone but not. It made me wonder who I had forgot to tell about this place we're going. Who did I not love enough to share this with. At a point when I should be happy I was feeling lost and lonely. Where are my kids? My wife? My mom and dad? I don't see my friends anywhere. God has a way of telling us things today just like He did with Moses and Abraham and Noah. Instead of a bush or pillar of smoke, it may be a text or a post or just an old school dream. Many of you know that I claim no credit for this stuff because I know God uses this medium as a place to talk to some of us. I know my dream was for me and it must be for someone else today or sometime soon, because I wasn't wanting to put it here. Please don't leave anyone out of the gift of God's love and mercy and a home in Heaven. I wanna see familiar faces at the train station when our work is done and we head home for the last time. In love always. <>< PS. Wednesday night class I will be happy to be the last one in and close the gate behind me. I just wanna be in.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Why is that we feel the need to label ourselves? We call ourselves something; Christian, Jew, Baptist, white , black, Spanish. It even gets more defined; Mexican American, African American, Lutheran, 1st Baptist. Why? And as we do that and set ourselves apart from others, we begin to pass judgments about everyone else. In a war, the best way to defeat an enemy is to divide up your opponent and separate them out and it will be easier to win. Well we're doing the same thing for the enemy today and making it quite easy. And yes we are in a war. We've turned to ourselves for direction and not on any form of divinity, much less the God that makes this all possible. People set up religion and its denominations. We began to think our way was the right way and putting our own spin on what Jesus taught us. He wants us united and working together and helping each other. I don't know how we get to that point today but it starts with prayer and an open heart to others. Like the Casting Crowns song says "Open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers". We need a heart of mercy and a love for our Savior that is above all else. When He's first we can't label ourselves anything but servant. Imagine a world of people serving each other to honor the Father. In love always. <><
Friday, October 12, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. So after stirring all the pots last night about the upcoming election I've seen a pattern. People will stand by what they feel and think to the end. Right wrong or indifferent. That's scares me and relieves me. This is not a political forum at all and never want it to be. This is just me being shown things by a God who is always right. If we can all get on His side and stand as strong for Him as we feel about our parties of government, we might find the blessing of America again. Because, just like the Israelites coming out of Egypt, they were blessed and gonna be more blessed, but they turned away from God and He held back all His blessing. At points He was even going to destroy them. Why have become so arrogant in our self reliance that we can't see the absence of God in our countries activities. How can we expect blessing and continued prosperity when we are turning away from Him more and more because "look how good we're doing on our own"? It's the same on the individual level and that's where it all begins anyway. That's where this mess turns around. So, you're in a good spot, how do you help others get there? That's up to you and God when you're on His side doing His work. Get the base right and the building will stand strong. By the way; we are the base. Lets unite in our efforts to put God first again; in our lives and in our homes and our country. In love always. <><
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you been thanking God for all He's done for you? If today is a great day and there are no problems or trials or anything, will you thank Him at the end of it tonight? It's easy to get caught up in the day to day and then put off God till the struggle comes. It happens all the time. While Moses was on the mountain with God, the very people that saw His mighty works to bring them out of Egypt, lost hope and made gods of their own. If it's that easy for people who were that close to God, how easy is it gonna be for us? Just sounds like excuses to me. The same as it did when Aaron tried to explain it to Moses. In our worst storms is where we find Him and thank Him and beg Him and plead with Him. Why can't we do this when things are good? Because He's not a part of our daily lives? Is He what we "do" on Sunday and a little Monday but lose interest through the week? I don't know, each one of us is different, but our God is the same and wants our attention daily and more. He's done miraculous things in our lives, all of us have something, and we can't see all He's doing, but know that it's good for us. Be thankful all the time. Be in communication with Him all the time. Be in love with Him all the time. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. How much judgement do you think we pass on others everyday? Why do we do that? If I stood in front of some people and said I have this problem with-fill in the blank , and I need God's help and your support. Some would never speak to me again if it was a really bad thing. But praise God there would be a group of people or maybe just one, that would walk the whole walk with me. Why do we pass the judgement on someone? This is why people are hurt by churches they belong to or why some never grace a church door. In Romans we know we have all fallen short and are dead in our sins. What makes one sin different than another's. Oh I know, the other is confessed and in the light to be dealt with and put away, while ours is in the dark haunting us and keeping us from that full relationship with God. God created us for relationship. For help and support He knew we would need. There's tons of stuff out there about bullying kids, stop being mean period. Fear of our own demons that possess us is what drives our ability to sit back and say " well at least I'm not that bad". But that just made you worse if you're putting it on a scale, which there's not one, its all the same. Love people and carry them, hold them up, give support to them because one day they be the only one in the room when you need help. In love always. <><
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. I read an article on the debate the other day that said Obama needs to "wear God". He did good by wearing his lapel pin flag but needs to mention God a little more often. Wear God? What? This is an educated political analyst and really trying to say something positive and constructive to help the president. Just by mentioning Him she feels that's wearing God, as if you can own Him and control how He fits into your routine. In one statement I can't help but feel this lady has summed up the nations take on God, or at least the vocals ones. The One who breathed this universe into existence is not something to be owned so it can be worn or used for gain. Where has our churches gone? Where is the Christian people who built this land and gave of themselves to help others in times of struggle? What's happened is we've gone soft and taken Him for granted. We've reaped those benefits of the power of God in our forefathers lives for so long we've forgotten what it is like to find ourselves with only God left. When we can strip away this world and its evil ways we can then become what God wants us to be and then through us others see God in action and not being "worn". Stop wearing the world and start living God. In love always. <><
Monday, October 8, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Are you seeing your life as an opportunity or something to be gotten through? I've heard on more than one occasion some youth folk talk about life and it saddens me. It lets me know satan is winning and we're failing our kids. I didn't go to church in my teens. I didn't hear the lessons from the pulpit but I did, shocker here mom and dad, listen to my parents. I stayed out of trouble for the most part and looked forward to a life down the road. Then you meet Jesus one day and you can't believe you've lived without him. I think it's my generation who forgot to find Him and teach their kids about Him because according to most Facebook accounts, we've all found Him. How good then are we doing at spreading the message and taking care of the orphans, elderly, and the poor? The first church with the twelve apostles grew on these basic instructions and commands from Jesus himself. They are still in place today and nothing has faded or changed except the players of the game. We know it will get worse before that glorious day, but it doesn't mean it has to be worse for our kids who are in our care till then. It doesn't have to be worse for the loved ones around us. The world will crumble and be rolled up like a scroll one day, but you and those you have influence over and with can be on the better side of it all. We have to make this happen, and when it does it will spread. It only takes a tiny spark to start a massive wild fire. Be a spark in the lives around you today and everyday, even if its just one. In love always. <><
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Oh the great debate. Style points, to the point points, point points. Really? Did you hear what you wanted to hear? Did they say what they needed to say to get your vote and follow them? I hate politics has a whole. The lies and deceit that go on. It doesn't matter who you like, alert ( bout to make some mad), he's probably lying about something to get yours or the ones who might vote for him. It's sad but true, when really if someone would just be truthful and honest about it all that's who would win. Well there was a man that came and spoke the truth and only the truth. He wasn't looking for a vote or an office. He did, like the candidates we have today, have an agenda; your eternal well being. The devil tells us all we want to hear and makes us feel so good or if needs to makes you feel so guilty to get us to follow him. His tactics are subtle and not easily seen or understood. It happens to you before you even know you went down that road with him. Sounds like Washington today. But our Lord came and gave us all we need to be equipped to fight that and to follow Him. He doesn't tell us what we want to hear, He tells us what we need to hear, the truth. This is a sad fact, if a candidate today came and told us exactly what was wrong with our country and the way that we were living and then call our lifestyles sinful and wrong, who would vote for him? Jesus didn't come to be popular and tolerant of the people and their ways. He came to save them. Men, and men of governments the world over, have corrupted this world by listening to that little voice of the devil saying its ok, it won't hurt a thing or anyone. Listen to the Truth, the Way, and the Life. That's how you get to have a better and clearer conscience in this evil world. It's also how we make the change to make this country great again. It's also the only way to Heaven. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Who do you hold your love from? Who has hurt you or made you mad enough that you don't do all for, speak to, or just plain ignore them? Has someone really done something that bad that it has to be that way? No, no one has but as humans living in this world instead living like sons and daughters of the One True God, we fall into this trap. How did we get so tied to this Earth that we lost our fellowship with God? So qhave our hurts to Him caused Him not to be good to us? To no talk to us or ignore us. I feel like that sometimes, that I've done this and deserve this to be this way. We're tying ourselves up in works then. But displeasing God is not a good thing and yes there is retribution for it but He never stops loving and giving of Himself to us. So why then have we cut Him out of our daily, hourly time of our lives? What has moved us from the people who could do nothing but worship Him and give all of ourselves to Him, to being a people who have let go and quit fighting for Him to be everything He is? We haven't always been like this. As a people, we haven't always been like this. We're not designed that way either. It's time to move the line drawn back to where it used to be. Back to where God was what this country was founded on. To move the evil one out of our lives and allow God to lead us again. He has left us the Holy Spirit and its time for us to move on the urgings of the Spirit. Give of yourself to those who have hurt you, wronged you or whatever. It's not worth it to lose them and it pleases God to see His children loving each other. That's the start of having God back to leading our lives. In love always. <><
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Can God bless America? Should God bless America? All the politicians say it as their mantra. " God bless America ". God destroyed cities for their wicked ways and not following His ways and turning their backs on Him. What is this country doing? He's being taken out of everything. We're trying to get Him off our money. He's already out of the schools and the halls of justice. Our founding fathers came here to be able to worship Him in peace without a government trying to run them through the church. So don't believe the rhetoric of the idea that those guys back them didn't build this nation with God at the head of it. So if God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because there were no righteous people in them, the only reason I can see us still being here is the righteous that are left. How long then till He's had enough and even the righteous will perish? We have to begin our stand to take this country back to where it was, at least with respect to God in our everything. It's only gotten steadily worse as we "progress" forward. We're not that great any more. We were great not because of what we did, but because we loved God and He blessed this nation just as He promises. This place is now full of itself and everything is me me me, I I I, look at what we did, see how great we are. We will reap what we've sewn and of late it hasn't been that good. For those who are following God and loving that Jesus saved them, look at their lives compared to the country as a whole. They have peace and are much happier. It's time for the Christian tide to roll. If God offends you, it's probably because you're not doing what you're supposed to. Lets bring back the blessing of God to our nation. Speak louder and make yourself be heard. It has to change, and soon. In love always. <><
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Sad news yesterday about a girl here killed when her car was hit by a train. People began posting prayers for the family and stuff and then there were some that made some assumed comments about what they thought. I got to thinking about those people. Assuming they know something but really don't. How do they get this? How do they think they're right about something they have no idea about? Is it from some past experience or just figuring that's what it always is in these cases so it must be what caused this one too? How many people are hurt by Christians in the world and so they figure all Christians must be like that? How many Christians assume they know God and His ways? Spew out a bunch of stuff that really makes Christians look bad. Westboro Baptist comes to mind. More on them later this week. How about you, what are you assuming about God and His plans? Who do you make assumptions about that you really don't know much about? Are we judging without thinking we are? Of course we are. We do it all the time. It's hard not to. So how do we fix it? We have to build our relationship with God the Father through His son Jesus. The only way to function at optimum performance is to be so like Jesus. The only way to be like Him is to be with Him. Proof is the apostles. Uneducated fishermen and tax collectors and we read their writings today. What changed them from assuming men of the world into loving men of God; an interlude of time with Jesus and they were changed forever. How much time will we take to change that way and make an eternal impact on others? Choose now and stop wasting time. Go out and love on those you may have made an assuming thought about that has kept you away. Those are the people real stories come from most of the time, I assume. In love always. <><
Monday, September 24, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. So when you're waiting for something to happen and them it does, what do you after? Feels like there's nothing else going on and just back to what you were doing. Makes me think of all those people following Jesus and thinking something big was gonna happen. Some great kingdom set up here for them to have power and reign over their oppressors. I wonder how let down they felt when they saw Him nailed to a cross and dead not knowing what had just been done. So then I wonder about those following Him that we're sort of getting it but not fully and how they felt waiting on the resurrection. Back to their lives they went. Let down and feeling worse than ever not having a clue of the huge impact of all that has been done. They could not see the big picture because they were focused on the single pixel of their lives. We do that a lot still today and we've read the book that tells us the big picture and what it looks like. Why aren't we living like we know it? Why aren't we living like the family of royalty we are? We heirs to a Kingdom no one can imagine and we don't act like it. Do we not because we can't see it or have seen Him? I don't know, but its worth eternity to me to start seeing a little better of how great our God is and know all that has been done for me, for all of us. I live in anticipation of the next big thing coming my way. With the blessing of God all over it. It's never just done. It always continues on. We have to live for that next moment He has for us. Just because its not what you wanted doesn't mean it's not the best thing to happen to you. In love always. <><
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. I'm sitting in the lobby getting ready to head home. As I have walked and seen this big ole city, I have seen so many faces and wondered about so many lives. I came here alone and did things by myself. It was a great trip and all but it would have been really great to have had my wife with me to share the sights and the memory. God made us to be together. To be communal and relational. We can't close ourselves off into isolation. We need Him and we need each other. We are all family. And on the train rides around town I met some up close. Life is so much better when we have and enjoy one another. But it's really out of this world when we have God. Even alone here I still had Him with me to talk to. Those family members on the train must think I'm crazy for talking to what they saw has no one, but He was there with me and talking to me and hearing me as I navigated a city I know nothing about. So really you're never alone, it's just about realizing He's there and wants to be with you. I hope that all those faces that looked so blank have someone and know He is with them. In love always. <><
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. When the apostles were in the storm on the sea and beginning to lose faith, Jesus showed up. In an instant there was calm. The storm was over. The memory of the storm, the feelings of helplessness of the storm, and the doubt of a future from the storm still remained though. The point is, we're human and can't help lacking trust in God. But when we do and the storm is calmed, remember what it felt like while He was there calming it. Hang on to that and learn to make it what you want to feel all the time. Then those storms won't seem so bad any more. His calmness and peace come in an instant when we're open to it being possible. The hurt and pain are what we hang on to instead of Him. I'm at peace and feel so good today because I know He calmed the storm and today I finally realized it. Instant peace. Thank you all for your prayers for this day for me. For all your words of encouragement and faith in God that we as brothers and sisters need to help one another with. Proverbs 27:17. In love always. <><
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. It's funny how when the things you wish for and pray for, finally get here and you just can't seem to let it be and let God. I have no say or control over anything that is about to take place tomorrow, so why is it that I just can't let it be? I play golf, used to play a lot, and I'm not the best but play awight. I can how ever help someone with their swing when it goes bad all of a sudden. I can watch and study and then usually get them back on track. May not be all the way but it's better than it was. Now when my swing goes south, why then do I not understand I need someone to watch and help me? Thing is I know it, I just keep trying to fix it myself. The same is true with God. We are always trying to fix it ourselves and not letting God show us what to do. We just have to hang on to a little control of some kind. Is it so we can say we did it? We had a hand in it. I don't know but it's hard to turn loose. But I have found that council from your friends and family always seems to help. A lot of you have been praying for me over this ordeal which was my first step in letting God because I never ask for prayer. That saddens me to write that. So to honor God and all of you, I'm gonna relax and let God do His thing. I'm gonna sleep well tonight because I didn't last night. Keep watching my swing and tell me where I'm off. God keep guiding us all and help us to get out of your way as you move us to where you want us. I'm sure as I sit in the hotel tomorrow morning, I will need to re read this to help remind me to let it be. Thank you all for all you've done for me. Thank you God for all you're doing for me. In love always. <><
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Do you believe in the devil, Satan? Do you think he has powers? Do you think he has reign over this world today? Satan knows God better than we do. He talks to God about us. He bears false witness to God. He's seen God. He mirrors his ministry after God. To look like God but with a very different motive behind it. He knows how to raise the sidewalk just enough in front of us that we don't see it before we trip. It looks harmless at first so we go along the path he has tried to lay down to look like its God's plan. No offense here, but it's kind of like leaving Texas roads and entering Oklahoma roads. As soon as you get into OK, the roads are nice and smooth and pleasing. Then after you've gotten comfortable on it, the real okie road shows up and you need to hang on and your car will need some work done when you get home. Satan works on us so smoothly. His cunning is his subtleness. You never know when it's really him, unless. Unless you have and maintain that relationship with Jesus. Let Him stand before the Father for you and cancel out what Satan is saying. Let Him be the One who took your place. He's already done it, we just have to receive and accept it. Then we have to live it. Father forgive us of our past, but thank you for letting it make us who we are today. That we can see where the evil one was in our lives and recognize him easier now because of you. You lead us and we follow. No matter where and no matter what. Thank you for saving us and going before the throne for us today. Let our lives being lived be a reflection of you to the world around us. Let them see you and not us and most definitely not the evil one today and everyday. Thank you God for this day to be reconciled back to you for the things we've done yesterday. Help us to be stronger in our weakness as we approach you today. In love always. <><
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. God said to take care of the poor, the orphans, and the elderly. I think we're doing a poor job of that. What does it say about the state of our culture if the biggest news in Texas, for some, is the cowboys win? Did you know that the government's emergency system issued a warning against zombie attacks. It was done as way to get the countries emergency system operators to look at preparedness plans. But yet it took zombies to get their attention. The news of the day is about the very things God told us to care for and we've become so numb to life we can't see it. Moreover we can't feel it. We're losing our contact and relationship with people. We pull into our drives and go inside and shut the door and call it safe. I know it's not all of us but it's most of this country. We're being cornered and fenced off so that Satan can have his control over us as well. Who's gonna stand up? Who should be standing up? We fall on our knees to fight Satan. We have to stand up after the amen and do what God is directing us to do. It's to love each other and to take care of each other. Every four years we divide up sides and tell lies and deceive to get what we think we want. It's got to end with a revival of the Christian nation taking back what we've sat around and let go of because we didn't stand up. It's easy to pray for guidance. It's hard to follow the trail He laid out before you. Let's make a difference in this country with or without a government you like. They don't do it anyway, we do. Love on someone today and tell them you love them. Let people in your life know they matter and then go matter to people who don't know you. In love always. <><
Monday, September 10, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. And yes it can be if you just let it be. God designed us to walk with Him in perfect peace and harmony, so what's kept us from being full of peace and harmony? We have. Ourselves have done it to ourselves. With a little help but mostly us. It's a choice we make. It's the things we do or have done. Even the past keeps us from harmony and peace. So what's the point if even the past holds us down. Again, it's a choice. We can let our past go and give it over to God and it's done. But it has to be done in you too. He let it go, why can't you. It's because of that little devil in your ear that keeps reminding you of it. Two things need to happen; we need to ask for forgiveness and stay away from those sins from now on, and we have to accept the forgiveness and know we are truly forgiven. Guilt and shame are what the devil uses to keeps us down. It's our choice to stand up to him by being on knees to God. It's not hard and doesn't take a lot of time. Once you get going it may, but if we keep a daily vigil going it will be brief enough. The point is, we have to make the effort to be with Him, He's already with us. And if He can create all this stuff in the world, why wouldn't He be able to bring peace into our lives. In love always. <><
Friday, September 7, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. If Jesus walked into the room you're in right now, what would you do? How would you change the way you're doing everything right then? How would your worship of Him change? What are you doing that you would stop doing that instant? Why are you needing Him to walk in the door to change it all? Satan is good at what he does. He's always in our ear with the, " It's ok, it's not hurting anyone else" line. When we let Jesus stand for us in our lives just as if He's standing in the room at the moment, Satan loses his power over us. When the Holy Spirit is let loose within us to become the way we live outside, Satan has no power over us. He will flee from you. But if given even a hint of a chance, his attacks on you will intensify greatly. This is where young or new Christians loose their battles the most. "Why follow God if it's gonna be this hard all the time?". I agree, who wants that in their life when they're trying to turn it around, no one. This is a mature, stronger Christians call to arms to help a brother in need. By living our lives as if Jesus is right there we have strength through Him. And just a reminder, He's in the room right now. He's with us always. Live like it the best you can. Talk to Him daily, hourly, whatever it takes to weather the storms of life. He is with you always. Joshua 1:9. In love always. <><
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Perspective, we all have a different one on the way we see things. Some are similar but still have differences. Sometimes those differences are pretty far apart and off the mark all together. With a large crowd of people and a crime committed, how many different stories of how it happened do you think there will be? A crowd was gathered around a cross one day as a man was being hung on it. The ones behind the cross didn't see the love and compassion on a beaten face, they only saw the back of the cross and a little bit of the man. As saddened as those who were in the front and at the foot of the cross, they had to feel His love for them and everyone else pouring out of Him, literally. So how do those people tell the story of that day? How did they see it go down? In order to see and understand better, we have to be willing to move and see from someone else's point of view. To know what they have seen and been through to understand what they feel. If just one of those from behind the cross moves to the front, their whole world and life is changed forever. We have to stop hiding behind the cross and move to the front and start seeing the world from there. In love always. <><
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. What a great get a way weekend with the family. It was so good to just enjoy time with them and talk about old times. The mountains are a great place to go and see God's beauty and love for us. It was nice to let home and work be out of our minds and refresh ourselves, even if only for a long weekend. We all need a reboot once in a while because we're humans and don't lay our worries and troubles down like we should. We keep trying to get them handled and before too long they've become a bigger pile of stuff. It just feels refreshing to starting this short week fresh and new and nothing as a distraction. It's been laid down and handed over to the One who handles that stuff for us. Thank you God for the fresh start to a new day, week, month, and year. In love always. <><
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Good morning and and happy Tuesday. You've heard the adage about its not how you start the race but how you finish. That can can only come from a God of mercy. And no one has any excuse for not getting in the race to begin with. Deep inside I guess some people feel they've fallen too far to be loved and that even if someone did, God wouldn't. It's funny how we can find all the reasons in the world not to follow after Jesus but don't have many for doing it. Christians can sometimes be the meanest people, and most not intentionally, but mean none the less. It's no wonder more and more are turning away from Christianity and to the world instead. The world takes them in no matter where they've been. Well so does God you might say, but we're the ones they see in front of them. We're the front lines. We're Jesus to many for the first time ever. Welcome them into the race, even if it's the last lap and you've ran a million miles and their gonna go 400 meters. Love them has if they've been with you the whole time. Jesus gave a parable about this a long time ago about the workers in the field. The ones who worked at the last of the harvest received the same amount of pay as the first. Nothing has changed over all this time. We have to make the decision to act with love and not human feelings. Unless we've got those feelings in line with God's. Put off the world and love and welcome others to the race. They may be the one that helps get you to finish line. In love always. <><
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Forgiveness. How many times a day do you think you make a judgment about some one by how they look or act when you see them? How many times do you do that with people you know or have known for many years? You hold on to an old memory of that wrong they did way back? How many of us look at ourselves in that same light? So why is the light cast differently for us than them? Borrowing from Casting Crowns, " open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers". The same way we want to forget what we've done in our past is the same way we need to forget others of their past. When this action takes place, we begin to be more like Jesus. When the people of His days here were about to stone a woman to death, Jesus bent down and wrote in the sand. Many dropped the stones they held and left. He then asked for those without sin to cast the first stone. The rest left with that. Jesus had compassion for us that we will never get, but it's not too hard to begin to peruse that way of thinking and behaving. How different would life be if we stopped looking at the outside and got to know the inside? Just think, just as we look at others in that other light, others are looking at us in it. We're just as messy as everyone else and some of us are messier than others maybe. Fact is we are all messy. And when we're pointing at others, three fingers are pointing back at us. I think there's a reason for that. I don't know what Jesus wrote in the sand that day, but it came from love for a sinner about to be killed. He knew her heart and forgave her of the wrong she had done. It was done and over and she was never seen that way again by Him. That's the perfect example of how we should be. Forgiveness. The toughest thing to do and receive but still the greatest thing we can do for each other. In love always. <><
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Seems like anyone you talk today will tell you their opinion on the how bad of shape this country is in. From the economy to the kids today, it all looks hopeless. We sure need to do something to fix this. I just don't know what's wrong with these kids today. You've all heard those things or even said them yourselves. Thing is, we all know the answer. God is slowly and surely being removed from the fabric of this country's make up. What's happens to a well knit article of anything when you remove a thread from it? It then begins to unravel. It has been a slow start but slowly the very thread of God has been being pulled from the cloth that sets us apart from the world. What's wrong today is that we are seeing the unravel begin after the many washings we've tried to give it. This cloth is ruined. It's time to begin anew. To resew the fabric of the values of the Lord into our family. We do that one family at a time and as we do we refuse to ignore the problems of this country any more. To make a stand and be bold in it. To love our neighbors but not excuse the sins. To not just put it off as its their life not mine. It's like keeping the cure to cancer to yourself and not letting the world know about it. Well, we have the cure for the cancer killing our country. God and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. But it has to start with each of us. We can't wait till someone else starts it. Move. Move now. Do what's right for your family and friends. Don't support another immoral movie, sitcom, law change or anything that goes against God's laws. But continue to love on them all. Don't be hateful but kind in your rebuffing of the ways of the world. Put Satan behind you and move forward in the name of Jesus. In love always. <><
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